Young Traveller Seeking Wisdom (2.Viewing)

Nov 23, 2023
Toronto, ON
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Greetings Canadian Domaining Masters!

I come a humble young traveller beseeching your collective knowledge. I haven't much money, but I have time, youth, passion, and half a brain. I'm looking for a side hustle, and this one excites me to no end (I haven't slept for a week... I hope I'm not turning into a gambling addict...). I've been doing research, brushing up on my computer skills, and whatnot. Oh yeah, I want to focus on .ca names... for no particular reason... patriotism maybe? Anyway, any advice on getting started? What am I looking for? What makes a domain great? How do I make a profit? What mistakes should I avoid? How do I get domain names to sell?

Oh yeah, and I registered a few domains including:,,,, and What do you think of those? Do you think they have any chance of selling sometime in, oh, the next millennium or so? How much would you personally be willing to pay for each?

I know, a lot of questions.... I thank you all graciously in advance, O great overlords of Canadian cyberspace.

Welcome aboard

I will try to answer some of your questions...

It sounds like you have about 5 or 10 domain names and from the look of it they are decent names. However domaining is very much like a lottery and you have increased your odds exponentially by owning 10 tickets. Of course I am being funny saying that because with 10 tickets your odds of winning are still relatively low unless you get extremely lucky. The domainers with hundreds or even thousands of domains are the ones that traditionally see consistent rewards.

So with a small catalog like yours the only way to hit paydirt outside of the luck scenario is to showcase the domains, research possible end users and hustle making as many contacts as possible. So basically try to cheat or game the lottery.

Pretty simple if you think about it but I know a lot of people with a few dozen names that have given up. Funny part is I had a domainer/member contact me a couple of years back and he gave me (for free) almost two dozen domains. I sold one a little while ago and it paid for a decent chunk of my renewals. I never posted about it because I did not want to make him feel bad, but again it came down to time and patience.

I'm sure you will get good advice in this topic, take it all with a grain of salt and do what feels comfortable to you without overspending until you are sure you have enough knowledge to make informed decisions. For that you are in the right place, so good luck (y)
Oh yeah, and I registered a few domains including:,,,, and What do you think of those? Do you think they have any chance of selling sometime in, oh, the next millennium or so? How much would you personally be willing to pay for each?

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  • MexicanRestaurant is a good start
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Welcome to dn
Welcome aboard

I will try to answer some of your questions...

It sounds like you have about 5 or 10 domain names and from the look of it they are decent names. However domaining is very much like a lottery and you have increased your odds exponentially by owning 10 tickets. Of course I am being funny saying that because with 10 tickets your odds of winning are still relatively low unless you get extremely lucky. The domainers with hundreds or even thousands of domains are the ones that traditionally see consistent rewards.

So with a small catalog like yours the only way to hit paydirt outside of the luck scenario is to showcase the domains, research possible end users and hustle making as many contacts as possible. So basically try to cheat or game the lottery.

Pretty simple if you think about it but I know a lot of people with a few dozen names that have given up. Funny part is I had a domainer/member contact me a couple of years back and he gave me (for free) almost two dozen domains. I sold one a little while ago and it paid for a decent chunk of my renewals. I never posted about it because I did not want to make him feel bad, but again it came down to time and patience.

I'm sure you will get good advice in this topic, take it all with a grain of salt and do what feels comfortable to you without overspending until you are sure you have enough knowledge to make informed decisions. For that you are in the right place, so good luck (y)

Ok, thanks! One more question though. How do I go about contacting people to sell my domains? Should I just email/call random Mexican restaurants?
Ok, thanks! One more question though. How do I go about contacting people to sell my domains? Should I just email/call random Mexican restaurants?

1. Post the domains for sale in the marketplace here.

2. Do a google search and see who is using Mexican Restaurant as a search term, those would be the best businesses to contact because they already showed interest for the terms. Also research to see who owns the domain in other extensions and how they are used.

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