Your Developed eCommerce Sites (1 Viewing)


Nov 11, 2020
I know that many domainers here do not develop websites, while some have done quite well at it. I don't see many discussions about it, but would love to see what others are doing and sharing ideas.

I'll start;

Mian site - About 3 years - 3 months old - Just had redone a few weeks ago...working on a few minor bugs. (branded Licorice Crave) - About 8 months old

Share yours :)

[notify]aactive[/notify]..Your site looks fantastic and navigates really well Shaun *THUMBSUP*
jaydub said:
[notify]aactive[/notify]..Your site looks fantastic and navigates really well Shaun *THUMBSUP*

Thanks! It was time to refresh it after 3 years and it had kind of outgrown my developer. This time I hired a company to redo the site from scratch. It has its own challenges dealing with a company, but you get a new set of eyes on it which can help. We are about 90% through the little bugs and should be done with them at the end of next week. Then on to phase 2... :)

Thanks again for the kind words.
I like it and only have one small recommendation

The footer needs to be black to match the header.

Other than that it looks fantastic *THUMBSUP*
MapleDots said:
I like it and only have one small recommendation

The footer needs to be black to match the header.

Other than that it looks fantastic *THUMBSUP*

Thanks for the tip! I always welcome constructive suggestions!
domains said:
What does it cost roughly to get a sales site like that done? Start to finish?

This latest site was just under $7,000 CAD. It was a "redo" of the original 3-year old+ site, with all new code from top-to-bottom. Lots of issues come up when you start with new code again, but we have got through most of it. Next up with be a CRO Audit to see where it can be improved from a Conversion perspective.
domains said:
What does it cost roughly to get a sales site like that done? Start to finish?

Look at it is a little widget you can embed in wordpress, facebook, or any social media site.
If you embed it in your webpage you have an instant site.

They also provide a fully operational storefront, no coding experience needed all for around $300 per year.

I run a few websites on them and the largest one is approaching 2 million per year in sales.

What [notify]aactive[/notify] did is from the ground up and its expensive but if you want to get your feet wet Ecwid (E-Commerce Widget) is a good way to start.
Websites look awesome, aactive! I will be placing an order soon.

One bit of security advice, hide the wp-admin and wp-login pages. *THUMBSUP*
mcm said:
Websites look awesome, aactive! I will be placing an order soon.

One bit of security advice, hide the wp-admin and wp-login pages. *THUMBSUP*

Good idea, thanks!
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mcm said:
One bit of security advice, hide the wp-admin and wp-login pages

Sound advice

Wordpress is the most used website software in the world and it is also the most hacked software in the world.

I remember reading about that in an article that said millions of bots are out there looking for the security flaws in wordpress so it is important to upgrade the second a new version comes out and to hide the wp-admin pages.

The other thing is... you can have the latest up to date wordpress and still get hacked if you are running an insecure plugin so also make sure to check them for updates regularly.
Sorry forgot to mention...

More wordpress sites are hacked by insecure plugins than wordpress vulnerabilities themselves so if you have an up to date installation with no plugins you probably have the safest installation possible.
MapleDots said:
I remember reading about that in an article that said millions of bots are out there looking for the security flaws in wordpress so it is important to upgrade the second a new version comes out and to hide the wp-admin pages.

The other thing is... you can have the latest up to date wordpress and still get hacked if you are running an insecure plugin so also make sure to check them for updates regularly.

Yep. From what see, any security updates in WordPress get pushed to your site automatically now. For the most part, you can also have your plugins set to auto-update (I suppose there's a bit of risk there but it does keep them up to date).

I've found Wordfence helpful -- even the free version has a lot of settings to muck with.

MapleDots said:
no plugins

Yeah, try to do things yourself w/o a plugin as much as possible. I find googling a solution to anything you want to do always starts with 'install x plugin....'!?
moosk said:
Yep. From what see, any security updates in WordPress get pushed to your site automatically now. For the most part, you can also have your plugins set to auto-update (I suppose there's a bit of risk there but it does keep them up to date).

I've found Wordfence helpful -- even the free version has a lot of settings to muck with.

Yeah, try to do things yourself w/o a plugin as much as possible. I find googling a solution to anything you want to do always starts with 'install x plugin....'!?

WordPress/WooCommerce is like any online platform; you have to be diligent. Keeping it updated, uninstalling unused plugins, using third party protection, including Wordfence, Sucuri, Cloudflare and the such. In terms of plugins, use ones from reputable companies that update them regularly, and don't cause issues when they are updated.

When we redid CandyCrave, we spend considerable time looking at alternatives such as Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, Ecwid and WooCommerce and settled on WooCommerce for a variety of reasons.
mcm said:
One bit of security advice, hide the wp-admin and wp-login pages. *THUMBSUP*

I was looking into that earlier, but what method do you recommend?

Plug-ins are scary as they can have unintended consequences (like when you disable/delete them), .htaccess or child theme forwarding/spoofing won't fool anyone, and I don't want to spend a lot of $$$ of developing a solution.

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