Your latest .ca Hand Registration and Why? (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
Country flag
legal.png - I registered it a few weeks back

also - stands for Motorized Bicycle or Motor Bike, take your pick.

What was your latest hand registered domain?
Latest hand-reg:
DomainTrader said:
Does the fact that domain names like scarce and liquorice are available to hand register tell you anything at all about dot ca

What it tells me is that they're just poor words for business use. Most tld's - if registered - aren't developed, there's not a single .ca in use using the word scarce or liquorice in it (as far as I know).

In google adwords, if you had a big fat wallet and wanted to buy ads on the term "scarce", even on a "broad match" basis, you'd be able to buy precisely Zero clicks per month.

With Liquorice (which isn't the preferred north american spelling) you could buy 2.5 clicks per month.

So if you're looking for blame, look to the left of the dot, not the right :-)
rlm said:
What it tells me is that they're just poor words for business use. Most tld's - if registered - aren't developed, there's not a single .ca in use using the word scarce or liquorice in it (as far as I know).

In google adwords, if you had a big fat wallet and wanted to buy ads on the term "scarce", even on a "broad match" basis, you'd be able to buy precisely Zero clicks per month.

With Liquorice (which isn't the preferred north american spelling) you could buy 2.5 clicks per month.

So if you're looking for blame, look to the left of the dot, not the right :-)
Yeah exactly. It certainly makes sense that they were available to register.

I like "scarce" as a potential brand, but I'm under no illusions that it's anything more than a hail Mary pass.
A few days ago, I was finally going to register from my leftover list, but someone beat me to it.
DomainTrader said:
Does the fact that domain names like scarce and liquorice are available to hand register tell you anything at all about dot ca

Glass half-empty...I agree. It means that out of the millions of .CA's registered right now, everyone passed on those names so it's not a good sign

Glass half-full...It's cheap to take a shot. Spend ~$10 to get exclusive selling rights to a decent name for a year :)
Spex said:
Glass half-empty...I agree. It means that out of the millions of .CA's registered right now, everyone passed on those names so it's not a good sign

Glass half-full...It's cheap to take a shot. Spend ~$10 to get exclusive selling rights to a decent name for a year :)

We are launching next month and saw that was available so we registered it...might as well have both. Not a popular name in Canada, but for $10 a year, we'll take it. Back to your regular programming.
aactive said:
We are launching next month and saw that was available so we registered it...might as well have both. Not a popular name in Canada, but for $10 a year, we'll take it. Back to your regular programming.

That's true and missed that part in my "glass half-full" paragraph. If you're an end-user or can benefit by owning an alternative spelling or a plural then yeah it's a no-brainer to go for it

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