I tried to buy my last name more than a decade ago, but they were using it... I offered a very fair amount for it too.
I'd say its always cool to have your name, can't dispute that. Having your last name is especially nice because its like your legacy to leave to your kids/family, and you can share email services with your family members right now too.
I'd say the need for your name domain is more based on how you want to market yourself. I think that if your in an industry where you are the product or key to the entire business, for example, any kind of consultant, designer, realtor, lawyer, artist, politician, etc, then I think its necessary.
You could say its very smart for the people who recognize this and brand themselves with their domain name. I'd re-word it as: Its incredibly stupid for those people who DONT brand themselves. If you're an agent or agency, why help Remax? You pay them a cut already for that purpose, let them pay for their own branding. You should be paying for YOUR own branding, not theirs. So if you're going to have a website, it should be in your name. If you're going to advertise anywhere, on a flyer, bench, bus, billboard, commercial, radio, etc, it should be in your name, and it should be the shortest easiest to remember (and spell) variant possible.
I was driving the highway 97 by Williams Lake BC this past week and you know those stretches of highway where there will be groups of big billboards? This one realtor lady had both the first and third out of a group of 4 billboards. Her website was her first and last name dot com, which was kinda long and within a minute of passing it, I couldn't remember what her name was any more, just that the first name was Susan. I couldn't help but think I would have easily remembered her website if it was Susan.ca instead.