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I need to make a clarification about this domain name...

I received 4 offers this week ranging from 1k to 10k

These offers are not realistic and a waste of your time, it will take a SIGNIFICANT offer higher than 500k for me to even start discussing the sale of this domain.

I hope that adds some clarification to anyone else thinking of making an offer.
It's truly bizarre how cheap the NFL owners are.

The Rams QB makes over $2.5M per game, and $299K a game is what you pay a backup Offensive Lineman, yet $299K for the domain was "just too much".

And that Jerry Jones deal with was insane - they bought it for $275K, then reneged on the deal, stating they thought they were buying it for $275 (after paying a pre-bidder fee far in excess of this just to take part in the auction). :unsure:

It must be hell working an office job for those penny-pinching billionaires. Probably pay you in food stamps.
I could think of a few ways to monetize rams in the porn industry, you'd make some money pretty quick.
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I recently received an offer from for the domain

Seems like that team knows the value of an incredible domain name.

When they made the offer, was it one of those:

Screenshot (44).png

UPDATE: Domain is For Sale at offers over $1,000,000 USD
That's an old article, the value is more than that on today's market.
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