Verified Members (2.Viewing)

ADMINADMIN is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
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Verified members are members whose name and/or business name and have been verified by

Verified Members have the highest reputation status and are confirmed to be legitimate business or domain owners.

Verified members will have a working website with real contact information in their profile.

  1. Verified Members have 1 hour edit time in posts (regular members have 30 min).
  2. Verified Members can open 6 marketplace topics daily in each forum (regular members get 3).
  3. Verified Members can have 6 links in their signature (regular members get 3).
  4. Verified Members get 3 lines of text in their signature (regular members get 1).
  5. Verified Members can contact 3 members in one private message (regular members can only contact 1 at a time).
  6. Verified Members can edit their private messages for 15 minutes after sending (regular members can edit them for 5 min).
  7. Verified Members can send private messages without flood controls (regular members must wait 5 min between messages).
  8. Verified Members can post without flood controls, regular members must wait 1 minute between posts.
  9. Verified Members can apply for access to the private " Boardroom " forum to talk with piers.
  10. Verified Members get a verification banner saying "Verified Member" under their Avatar in posts.
  11. Verified Members can bump sales topics every 12 hours in the Marketplace (non verified must wait 24 hours).
  12. Verified Members will appear on our Notable Members with a private heading called: Verified Members
  13. Verified Members get a Verification confirmation in their public profile: Public Profile
  14. Verified Members can send a Private unlimited messages quoting the post to the Post Author called: PM Author
  15. Verified Members get a free website link under the Verified Section in our: Link Exchange
  16. Verified Members can have 2 accounts, one for business and one for personal (regular members get one account).
  17. Verified Members may request a user name change (regular members need to re-register with a new user name).

More Verified Member perks are coming soon - Verified Membership is free for a limited time.

Qualifications to get verified​

  1. You must have a company or personal website members can visit (can be a landing page with store at dan or efty etc).
  2. Your listed website must have a way for clients to contact you (as in a contact us tab).
  3. You must fill out all Verified Fields in your Profile Settings on

Read this if you are an individual and do not have a business or business website:

Once we verify your information you will get verified status and all the perks above.

Fill out your verification settings in: Profile Settings

Thank you
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filled the info and did the “Send Verification Message”
Only if you bring candy and have a verified website. Looks like I need both.

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Sponsors who contribute to keep free.

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