1. There is no commission payable. 2. The listing remains active and does not expire. 3. You can edit your listing at any time. 4. You can delete comments from other members on your listing. 5. It is grouped with other PREMIUM Listings that will attract more potential buyers. 6. There are no ads or member free listings listed on you for sale page. 7. You get a custom: dn.ca/forsale/domain.ca url to advertise other places like on X.com. 8. Your listing is more predominantly featured and displayed longer on the DN directory. 9. Your domain is listed on Canada's largest and most reputable .CA resource. 10. You are listing in CAD for .ca's making it more desirable and free e-transfers a simple payment. 11. You are supporting operational expenses for DN.ca 12. All profits will be reinvested in DN.ca
So go ahead, try your free PREMIUM listing today Supporting Premium Listings helps keep dn.ca online and allows us to fund raise without asking for donations.
If you want to assign a PREMIUM Listing and custom URL please make a listing to submit it for approval.
Not all domains will qualify for PREMIUM status, but you can look at current premium Domains to get an idea what is premium.
Once approved you will be asked to e-transfer $25 to pay@dn.ca to cover the Premium Listing Fee
Keep in mind by using this service you are supporting expenses at DN.ca.
All income will be reinvested back into the service to assure constant upgrades for a world class .CA member site.
1. Pay a commission on sales? 2. Make your own lander but not be in grouped exposure?
3. Pay a one time listing fee of $25 to list with other premium domains while at the same time supporting our great Canadian resource at DN.ca!!
The listing is ad free and there is a link on every listing where clients can see all your premium domains.
Match it with a free Market Page and you have a winning combination
PS. We don't see a lot of financial support and with the upcoming Xenforo updgrade we have to update most of our custom scripts which means we will have additional expenses. Plus we are once again outgrowing our server resource, our monthly page count is in the millions taking us over our resources.
Supporting Premium Listings allows us to fund raise without asking for donations.
Our friends in the UK at Acorn Domains are now also incorporating a Premium Listing section.
Read the announcement: Information - List a Premium UK Domain
I am a fan of their site and think Acorn is a fantastic ccTLD resource of .UK or .co.uk