Domain Meet or Event (6.Viewing)

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Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
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Domain Meets or Events

Virtual or In Person

Anywhere in Canada, in person or video can be freely advertised here.

Looking for speakers and possible event dates
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Are you going to be attending the Austin event? If so, that would be a good time to meet the NamesCon owner and team to discuss collaborating with them in some way. They have, in the past, collaborated with (for example) the domainer community in India.

Unrelated to Namescon, domainer Page Howe organized an online conference in the early days of the pandemic; you might want to chat with him about his experience with that. Kudos to him for testing the waters with that.

Personally, I am sick of online conferences; it's time to meet in person again, but I realize Canada is a big country and folks are spread out across a wide area, so in-person is hard for some. I get that.

Frank Michlick used to organize these wonderful Domainer Dinners in various Canadian cities. I remember those fondly.
Mini namescon like meetings within Canada sound good too. Even larger events are a possibility.

Point is we need something purely for Canada in the .ca space

We can have...

  • Live Events
  • Online Events
  • Small Group meetings
  • Large Group meetings
  • Informal restaurant or coffee shop meetings.

Basically using our Calendaring system on we can schedule months ahead or a quick informal meet.

So imagine domainers in Vancouver setting a date in 3 months, Toronto 6 months, Montreal, etc.

Or you can say.... Hey I'm in Toronto, anyone want to meet.

On the other hand we can go to (once I bring it online) for a quick informal video chat or we can schedule a formal one.

I was going to use Google meet and have the always go to the proper room but there has to be someone there to invite members in so instead I will make a topic or similar where we can post the access codes to whatever event we have and that topic will always run next to the chatroom and calendar links. So anyone wanting to meet can post and we have instant live or video meets.

Keep in mind we can use our chatroom for informal scheduled meets too, I am looking at incorporating video into it as well.

So many possibilities as long as we do something more Canadian instead of having to go to Texas. I mean how many of us can really do that annually?
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Not like NamesCon, but if you're in Montreal or would like to visit Montreal, please save the date:


We're still planning some of the details; stay tuned.
Are you doing a Star Wars theme? Prize for the best Darth Vader costume?
We haven't planned that yet, even though it occurred to us too :) The date was actually picked by picking a month, and a day of the week and then excluding the dates that didn't work for us - and we ended up on May 4th.

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