Recent content by Domains101

  1. Domains101

    CDRP CDRP Discussions

    Nice (y)
  2. Domains101 - New Marketplace and Appraisal Tool

    Graen is unresponsive, customer support is nil. yeah the appraisals are back up but be careful if you're giving them money.
  3. Domains101

    Bad Boy Furniture files for bankruptcy

    They're sitting on my $1000 deposit and won't answer my call. If they're allowed to steal can I run in and grab $1000 of merchandise I already paid for?
  4. Domains101

    TBR Drop - Nov 15, 2023

    Get ready to spend your christmas savings on
  5. Domains101

    TBR Drop - Nov 8, 2023

    Thanks for the reminder, Bidding now
  6. Domains101

    3rd quarter 2023 .ai domain sales at 1.3 million

    Sales are down from 1.8 million to 1.3 million
  7. Domains101 / market / nafti

    The graphics are remarkable
  8. Domains101

    TBR Drop - Dec 28, 2022 is memorable for the double meaning
  9. Domains101

    FOR SALE developed site developed site Looking to get at least 100k
  10. Domains101

    Edit Time for all Members

    I like that the sales threads are editable *THUMBSUP*
  11. Domains101

    Don't be Fooled by Domain Registry of Canada Scam

    Sorry yes, I didn't want to post the article because the picture was upside down, I shoulda posted the source. :'(
  12. Domains101

    Don't be Fooled by Domain Registry of Canada Scam

    A company called "Domain Registry of Canada" sends mass volumes of postal mail directly to domain owners. The letters are designed to appear as though the Domain Registry of Canada is some sort of official government organization or is somehow related to the Canadian Internet Registration...
  13. Domains101

    This domain has been seized

    First one I've seen
  14. Domains101

    Generic .ca - write your own paycheck
  15. Domains101 is offering free website packages

    Domain host is offering 1,000 small Canadian businesses a free website package to help with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. All Canadian businesses and freelancers are eligible for this amazing deal, but there are only...
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