Recent content by judgemind

  1. judgemind

    MedBox ca

    Anyone here recently pick up medbox ca? It is redirecting to
  2. judgemind - Sold $3,300 USD

    squadhelp white label marketplace
  3. judgemind - Sold $3,300 USD

    Amazon killed this niche, hench the sales price was lower than previously price. I negotiated with 3 different companies who had interest. This negotiation took 2 months to complete. They did not want to come above 2k
  4. judgemind - Sold $3,300 USD

    Sold VitaminShop dot ca on squadhelp for $3300
  5. judgemind

    How to unlock domain at

    anyone know how to unlock a name at sold a name and buyer cannot transfer because is showing locked. i received the auth code from staff
  6. judgemind

    Digital Currency / Mining Domains

    bitcoinbets bitbet btcbets bitcoinadvisor smartbit smartledger
  7. judgemind

    What was your latest .ca inbound domain inquiry?

    yes, got it through TBR
  8. judgemind

    What was your latest .ca inbound domain inquiry?

    VitaminShop Buyer came up to 2k but i respectfully declined
  9. judgemind

    Hi from

    welcome Brett!
  10. judgemind

    Straps | Sculpting | SmartBit //.ca

    Thanks, i like not having to specify the extension.
  11. judgemind

    Hello Fellow Canucks

    im excited to be part of the community. Most of my portfolio consists of .com but i do have a few hundred .ca and have consitently sold a few each year. cheers
  12. judgemind

    Hello Fellow Canucks

    to be honest, for the past couple of years i haven't been using forums much, i started losing interest in namepros but still post monthly to my squadhelp review there.
  13. judgemind - Sold $1,999 CAD

    sold via squadhelp WLM for buy it now. Thanks
  14. judgemind

    Straps | Sculpting | SmartBit //.ca

    Taking offers Will Accept Bitcoin or Dan for payment Straps Sculpting SmartBit SkinLotion placeyourbet utravel
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