.CA VitaminShop.ca - Sold $3,300 USD (1 Viewing)

Wow, congratulations on a great sale and a great domain
Nice sale *THUMBSUP*
lotsofcoffee said:
Congrats on the sale!

I didn't realise that Squadhelp accepted .ca domains - how does that work?

Maybe it was a white-label marketplace sale?

Anyway, congrats to the seller!
Esdiel said:
Congrats! Nice sale indeed!

Not sure if you're aware, but that domain already sold once in 2011 for 6K USD: https://namebio.com/?s==ATO1cjMzIzM
Amazon killed this niche, hench the sales price was lower than previously price. I negotiated with 3 different companies who had interest. This negotiation took 2 months to complete. They did not want to come above 2k
lotsofcoffee said:
Congrats on the sale!

I didn't realise that Squadhelp accepted .ca domains - how does that work?

squadhelp white label marketplace

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