2 Hours Maintenance with new features (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

Hello fellow members

I was looking at the stats today and noticed almost 70% of the traffic is coming from mobile so I took the forum down for about 2 hours and optimized the site for mobile.

You may notice I decreased the size of some of the graphics and removes anything that caused the site to load slower.

I am always working behind the lines to make things smoother and faster.

While I was at it I added some new features...

- A new twitter button so you can add live twitter feeds
- A new youtube button for imbedded videos (updated)
- Added a strikethrough button
- I downsized the avatars to display better on mobile
- The member list now has a-z for quick access to alphabetical names
- lots of tweaks on mobile to make it more friendly

Happy posting, sorry about the sudden maintenance downtime.
Great and useful add-ons....Nice work Frank
So I added a youtube button today as well, I updated top post
Here is what a youtube video looks like

Remember you can use colour too

The center, justify, and right space buttons are purposely left out to have the forum read from left to right and not centre to right.

This is done for continuity and mobile views, and that is why you do not see a justify, centre or right align button.
For small screens everything should display from left to right.

Just in case you were wondering about that.

I also removed the green trusted member badges because they were making short posts longer to display that button. All trusted member features are active and it still says trusted member under the members avatar and their user name is still green.

Moderators are automatically trusted and their usernames are red and it now says moderator under their avatar.
For privacy reasons the messaging system is gone and replaced by board email.
The board email is also way more user friendly in mobile without having to worry about quotes and such.

I can easily restrict a user from using the email system or you can just ban him in your personal email with a filter or spam.

Here is what the new board email looks like...

Here is the setting in your control panel where you can activate or deactivate board email.


- By default your email address is hidden and members must use form mail.
- By default only you can see your own email address
- By default this is the only forum that purposely strips away everyone's ip address for privacy.

You can decide to make your email address public if you want but for privacy I recommend you keep it on form mail.

At the top of each topic:

You can decide to:

- Subscribe or unsubscribe to a topic - It sends you an email for new posts
- Make it a favourite topic - puts it into favorites (link in the login bar) - works just like bookmarks but for forum
- Watch the topic - gives you a red indicator at the top when someone responds or quotes your post.

Watch topic is automatically turned on for each topic you create but not for each one you respond too.
You will still get a quote notification if you are quoted even if the watch topic is off.

Calling a member with the @ sign will no longer give you a forum notification because you automatically get a quoted notification.

The called member will still get an email in case they are not visiting the board.

Please do not abuse the @ calling feature and use it only if you want to call someone to the board.

For logged out members the forum now displays this:

New notification screen shots

Please notice the draft icon as well. It shows up when you save a draft and are not quite ready to post it.

All default avatars look like this now
That avatar shows for everyone who does not set a personal avatar.

1. Strip out the address and the picture is not clickable


2. Leave in the address and it will default to our picture tutorial


3. Enter any address to have the picture link there.





These can now be added to your profile

Uploaded avatars will automatically crop to the correct size so get creative

Member search now has alphabetized links so you can get to where you want faster

There is a link at the top right in search, when clicked it will open the advanced search feature

Looks like this when clicked:

Appreciate all the updates. Would make this forum more mobile friendly. Thank you [notify]Admin[/notify]
As mobile friendly as it gets now just need to add likes to smaller screen and I am done.

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