Nafti said:
I wonder if can be added to that list? Or was Canadian Tire’s Triangle non existent when they bought the .ca?
It is another example but I would say that scenario was a little different since Canadian Tire probably always wanted both the .CA and .COM when they decided to create their new Triangle loyalty program/brand.
That said, I was able to find they bought the .CA ~8 months before they bought the .COM.
More specifically, they bought the .CA for 15K on 2017-07-24 (as per namebio), and they still didn't own the .COM by 2018-03-20 (as per The .COM must have sold in the following week or two since CT officially launched the triangle program in April 2018, and both domains began resolving to a CT Triangle "coming soon" landing page by 2018-04-07. The .com would forward to the .ca at that point in time, but that was just a simple "coming soon" page, and the .ca is their primary domain today.
The previous owner of also used it to redirect to another domain (, and even though they seemed to have a nice website/following, it's no longer running. Not sure why since they could have survived without, but I'm guessing they probably retired after their big pay day lol.
Does the fact they bought the .CA almost 8 months before the .COM suggest the .CA was more important to them? I would like to think yes, especially where they are using the .CA over the .COM today. Also interesting how there was no NDA for the .CA but there seems to have been one for the .COM. Can't help but wonder if the .COM owner noticed and added a 0 or two to his price lol.