Afternic/Godaddy can't do LTO option for .ca? (1.Viewing)

Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
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I had an offer through Afternic to do a 12 month lease to own for a .ca domain, which I accepted.

After 2 days the broker found out they can't do lease to own with .ca domains (the system won't accept it?), now he is trying to see if the buyer will pay the full amount.

Seems strange that Afternic can't do monthly payments for a .ca domain? used to be able to. Has anyone else heard of this?
Recently started using Afternic and I have names listed there with lto option. Thanks for mentioning this. Gonna contact them
I had an offer through Afternic to do a 12 month lease to own for a .ca domain, which I accepted.

After 2 days the broker found out they can't do lease to own with .ca domains (the system won't accept it?), now he is trying to see if the buyer will pay the full amount.

Seems strange that Afternic can't do monthly payments for a .ca domain? used to be able to. Has anyone else heard of this?
this is the response I just received from Afternic..

"We can confirm the Lease to Own option does not depend on the TLD of the domain, but on the Buy Now price of the listing."
So the reply is yes a .ca is ok for LTO, and the price level is ok. so now I need to know wtf is going on. In Afternic’s terms it says some jurisdictions can matter, like California the max LTO is $5000. maybe the buyer is in California, so now back to the broker…
Last I heard from the broker was the buyer would have their funds ready by end of Nov. So we’ll see if this moves forward by early this week. Just over three weeks into this now. Makes me appreciate a fast transaction when the buyer pays right away. supposed to still be a full payment sale not lto

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