Ovechkin is only 8 goals away from beating Gretzky’s all time goal scoring record so should do it this season. He has no chance of beating Gretzy’s record of career points though.
Fun fact, even if you took away all of Gretzy’s goals, he’d still be the all time points leader with just his assists. by 230 points over #2 Jagr. No wonder he gets called the Great One.
I’m not sure, scoring that many goals isn’t easy. You need to be a great player on a good team, plus stay healthy over a long career. Howe and Jagr are #3 and #4 for all time goals, and both played over 200 games more than Gretzky. Ovechkin will probably take as many games as Gretzky to reach the 894 goals. He should try to break 900 or even 1000 if he plays a few more seasons.
Mario Lemieux’s career was cut short for health reasons (cancer) but if he’d been able to play 1487 games like Gretzy, based on his 0.75 goals per game average, would have had 1120 goals. Surely over 1000. And some of the games he did play he wasn’t fully healthy due to dealing with chemo treatments.