Anyone here own a one-word .CA registered at Rebel? (2.Viewing)

Nov 11, 2020
Ottawa, ON
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Hey gang, once again I find myself doing a Hail Mary to help a broker colleague make contact with the mystery owner of a one-word .ca domain. Broker has been trying for several months to get a response, period, from the unknown owner. I think there's serious money on the table, too, for a 'meh' domain, but eventually the broker and their client will give up trying to buy the domain.

This specific domain is registered at Rebel and is six-letters long, one-word, and starts with a "C".

If you own a domain that meets this (loose) criteria, please DM or email me and I will provide you with some additional details to determine if you might be the mystery owner.

I suspect the owner is not a domainer, since I don't think many domainers use Rebel, but I am doing what I can to help my broker friend.

(And yes, my broker friend has contacted the registrar directly, but so far that has not produced any helpful results.)

Thanks for looking at this post.
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I was bored today so I went through a list of common 6-letter words starting with "C" and found four that were are Rebel.

Two were already owned by other companies, and the other two were aged and didn't resolve. One is much better and more valuable than the other, so I assume this is the one you're looking for.

Please let us know how it turns out.

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