The new has just launched, check it out and leave any feedback here.
Grand Opening soon...
The DN blog will be a collection of the very best from
Estimated time frame for launch is early April and when done the blog will showcase the best topics and articles from and will feature several different authors.
Anyone wanting to become an author can post here to claim a spot, I will consult the members to see if they have ant suggestions for topics. If there is one you deem worthy of a separate blog entry please let me know.
The purpose of the blog is to highlight our best works and act as a resource for important FEATURED content.
The blog will have a similar look and feel to and again I am stripping away anything that could complicate the layout. I tried to incorporate the same look and feel for the blog as with the forum.
If you want to check it out there is a quick link at the top of the forum for fast access.