Board Security has been increased (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

I was notified last night that there were hidden phishing links on our board.

After some investigation I did indeed find a number of phishing links disguised as legitimate links.
It appears the poster went back into existing topics and inserted the malware a long time after posting.

It took me a while to find all the links and I have deleted all of them.

The complexity of this situation has forced me to turn off the unlimited edit times and I have set the default back to 60 minutes.

Unfortunately some of the links were also in the buy & sell section and I am still analyzing some of the code to see what the intentions of the culprit was.

So therefore when you post in Buy & Sell the post is only editable for 1 hour. When the domain sells simply post sold and I will edit the title later to show the domain has sold.

I am sorry about this and will see how I can make some code changes moving forward, but it appears to me that having posts open to edit indefinitely is an invitation for trouble.

A while back there were a couple of other instances where someone edited out a number of their posts as well. With unlimited editing we run the risk of that happening again and this makes the topic worthless, especially if the first post is edited out a few months after it has been made.

Not sure what the solution is at the moment but I will try and figure it out.
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Thanks for letting us know and being transparent about everything here at DN [notify]MapleDots[/notify]. It's much appreciated and reassuring.
Thank you guys.... quite honestly I am disappointed in this event. I worked so hard recoding the exceptions for the showcase and buy & sell forum. I thought about this long and hard before I made my decision.

If links and edits are made now that we are small imagine how hard it will be to control when we have thousands of members.

Somehow the topics have to become permanent or I will be forever worried what is happening in old topics that might be compromising the posts or the board security.

I have added the post limit time to the top left of the reply section.

You can see it in this picture

Glad you caught it, too bad it was necessary.
Good catch Frank *THUMBSUP*
Thanks for all of your efforts
Yes, thanks again for all the work you put into this. Great catch as well.
Appreciate your watchful eyes. Much appreciate your prompt attention to detail [notify]MapleDots[/notify] Nice to know that you are very vigilant.
Ugh, the cockroaches are relentless and will look for anything they can exploit. It's such a waste of time and effort.

Thanks for being vigilant and all the hard work!

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