Can we stay signed in at WHC? (2.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I keep getting signed out at WHC

I keep my auction tab pinned in my browser and come back to see what is happening and every few hours it signs me out.

If you're going to have auctions there needs a way to specify KEEP ME SIGNED IN when signing in to the account.

It can be handled in two ways...

1. Keep me signed in

2. This is a trusted computer

Either way staying logged in is imperative, especially as we get to the end of the auctions.
Open up a Client session in a Tab and that should keep you logged into the TBR system a bit longer.

I really really hate that the default log-in to the WHC TBR system is to "Create an Account" and you have to hunt for the "Sign In" text link. It's ass-backwards and likely was designed when WHC was a new kid on the block, but really needs to change.

Logging into WHC Client Side gives you the standard Sign In screen.

I am in a new tab, I come back every couple of hours and since yesterday I have had to sign in roughly 4 times when I refresh the page.

Maybe I should not refresh and just leave it but sometimes I also navigate to the next drop list and bam it asks me to login again.
MapleDots said:
I am in a new tab, I come back every couple of hours and since yesterday I have had to sign in roughly 4 times when I refresh the page.

I guess it depends - I have a Client Side tab open and the TBR system lets me stay logged in for quite some time. Maybe not hours and hours, but longer than the TBR system alone does.
DomainRecap said:
Open up a Client session in a Tab and that should keep you logged into the TBR system a bit longer.

I really really hate that the default log-in to the WHC TBR system is to "Create an Account" and you have to hunt for the "Sign In" text link. It's ass-backwards and likely was designed when WHC was a new kid on the block, but really needs to change.

Logging into WHC Client Side gives you the standard Sign In screen.


Several sites do that and it is annoying. pisses me off that way too, but only when accessing from a small window like a mobile device when the login link at the top right just disappears...

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