Chrystia Freeland owns (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020
Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, seems to own

I say "seems" because I suppose it's possible someone else bought the domain and put this together without her consent, but I doubt it.

This is all you'll see when you visit the domain:


Not sure what her intentions are with it, partly because she's already owned / been using since 2013. The language used almost makes it sound like she's aiming to become leader of the liberal party too, which is why I question whether she actually owns it or not (plus her last name isn't included anywhere). Can't see a leadership race happening anytime soon, even if they bomb out in this upcoming election.

I think she may have even handregged It was registered on 2019-10-10 and the same page has been up since then (as per doesn't show any history before that, and I don't see the domain in any of the TBR drop lists I have saved either, so I'm pretty sure it was a handreg.

She's always in the news but she's recently been in hot water after Twitter flagged one of her tweets as "manipulated media" (which ironic as the libs try to pass a bill to regulate content online):

Perhaps if Trudeau loses the elections, she could want to be the next leader of the Liberal party so she has already secured a better name.

Would love to know what she paid for it. Her name is very unique so if I was the previous owner and had an inquiry on it, I would assume right away it’s her that wants it and would price accordingly.
Nafti said:
Perhaps if Trudeau loses the elections, she could want to be the next leader of the Liberal party so she has already secured a better name.

Would love to know what she paid for it. Her name is very unique so if I was the previous owner and had an inquiry on it, I would assume right away it’s her that wants it and would price accordingly.

I could see her making a run for leadership one day but I can't see Trudeau stepping aside anytime soon, even if they lose the election badly. Trudeau is really losing his appeal from my pov (and the polls recently), but he's young and has done well for the party so I can't imagine the party wanting him out yet even if they lose.

The more I think about it, the less convinced I am she owns the domain. I doubt she'd make it known she wants to be the leader (since 2019) while Trudeau is still in office. Don't think it's normal (or appropriate?) for someone to express their desire to become leader until the existing leader has decided to step aside. Although it all depends on how you interpret the language on the lander. It doesn't explicitly say she wants to be leader, but it certain insinuates it.
she seems to be doing all the PM work while Trudeau is the face. or farce. keeps getting work heaped on her as other Liberals resign or get thrown under the bus
domains said:
she seems to be doing all the PM work while Trudeau is the face. or farce. keeps getting work heaped on her as other Liberals resign or get thrown under the bus

Like Pierre Trudeau or not (he was easy not to like at times), Justin Trudeau has none of his intellect, instincts, or talent. On the other hand a fair amount of Canadians voted for this drama teacher. SMH.

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