.CA Coinsquare Purchased Bitcoin.ca For $250,000 USD (1 Viewing)

As I tweeted in some detail:

Direct link to post on X.com

the Seller's financials (Banxa) disclosed this much earlier, via SEDAR (now SEDAR+, which breaks a lot of the old links), Canada's crappier version of EDGAR.

On 14 March 2023, Banxa Holdings Inc sold domain name bitcoin.ca to Investments. Org for USD$250,000. Total consideration of USD$224,980($307,525 CAD) was received on 22 March 2023 (Consideration price included a COMMISSION fee of $25,020USD). The carrying value of thedomain names at the date of disposal was nil.

I've known about this since June 5, 2023, but didn't share it (until found by others), given my "strike" regarding all the parasitic behaviour out there.
I saw that yesterday and thought it was already reported.

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