Dan.com product update #8: Import LTO Transactions and Auto-Opt-In Distribution (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020
Email sent out by Dan.com this morning.

Someone forgot to proof read when they included March X as the beginning date:

Dan.com New Features: Import LTO Transactions and Auto-Opt-In Distribution​

We are delighted to let you know about two new updates to Dan.

Firstly, beginning March X, Dan customers will be able to import Lease-to-Own transactions, charged at a 10% commission rate. This widely requested feature will be accessible through Dan’s Sales Activity page.

Secondly, we noticed customers opting into the Afternic distribution network, achieve higher sales volume. Given the commission is now the same irrespective of where the domain sells, we will be automatically integrating all Buy-It-Now listed domain names into the Afternic Distribution Network. If you prefer not to have your domains listed on Afternic from within Dan, you can opt out through your account settings page. It also will no longer be possible to maintain a different price across platforms. If you already have domain names listed with a custom Afternic price, we will update your Buy It Now price to the highest listing price across all platforms.

You can read more about these and other updates on the Dan blog.

Happy selling!

The email only speaks to two updates but if you visit the blog you'll see there's more.

Dan.com product update #8

What’s new at Dan.com? In our product updates, we share some of our recent product features and improvements. While we have new updates to share, our mission to make domain trading available to everyone remains the same.

1. Import LTO transactions

We revamped the process of importing a lead, adding the ability to import a lease to own transaction. From 16 March, you have three initial options; Buy Now (BIN), Make Offer, and Lease to Own (LTO). A detailed form then allows you to import your lead effectively.

2. Auto OPT-IN Afternic listings

Domain names that hold a Buy Now price will be automatically integrated in to the Afternic distribution network, providing better exposure for your domain names.

Prices on the Afternic network will be shown in USD, with Afternic prices being inherited from your Dan.com BIN price.

If you wish to opt out for any reason, you can do so in your account settings.

3. Commission alignment

Alongside our continued product updates, we aligned our commission models effective 1 February with other GoDaddy marketplaces. We now have the following commission rates:
  • 15% commission for domains sold that point to nameservers at Dan.com, Afternic, Uniregistry or GoDaddy Auctions; regardless of where it sells on the network or through the landers directly.
  • 25% commission for domains sold that are not pointed to nameservers at Dan.com, Afternic, Uniregistry or GoDaddy Auctions.

4. Seller dashboard redesign (LTO revenue section)

Sellers with LTO transactions will now be able to track their revenue statistics, thanks to our redesigned LTO dashboard. At a glance, you can track your weekly, monthly, and annual recurring revenue through a simple, familiar graph.

5. Dashboard stats optimization

Stats on your user dashboard are now improved, with more data variables and added consideration for all-time metrics, rather than monthly only statistics.

6. Added support for .kids

While Dan.com provides support for many top-level domains (TLDs), there are some that we’re still adding. We’ve recently implemented support for the .kids TLD.

7. Infrastructure advancements for faster everything

Behind the scenes, we worked hard on-site stabilization. This work includes bug fixes and refactoring. As a result, Dan.com now loads faster, providing an improved user experience. We also noted a decrease in bot traffic reported, along with better conversions.

8. Chinese typography search support

Through our mission to make domain trading available to everyone, we added support for Chinese typography for searches at Dan.com.

9. Restore deleted domains in bulk

The familiar bulk toolbar now allows you to restore domain names that you have deleted in bulk. Head to your deleted domains page to select and restore domain names in bulk.

10. Afternic Distribution Network optimization and faster domain ownership

We implemented some changes to the Afternic Distribution Network listing process to make the process smoother. The domain ownership process is faster, too, with added automation and efficiency.

11. Keep, edit, or remove descriptions

Dan.com users now have better customization of sales page descriptions. Keep, edit, or remove a description for an individual domain name directly from your portfolio page.

Dan.com product update #8
Importing a LTO deal is a good feature but the automatic distribution isn't good until they fix the domain verification problem. There are some sellers that are listing domains they don't own. Found 1 and reported a seller that was listing expired domains and private domain auction domains in their account.
Importing a LTO deal is a good feature but the automatic distribution isn't good until they fix the domain verification problem. There are some sellers that are listing domains they don't own. Found 1 and reported a seller that was listing expired domains and private domain auction domains in their account.

They were listing domains they've never owned? What good does it do to list domains that you dont have control over and/or people cant visit the lander? I guess they could make the sale if GD (or their mls partners) can automatically transfer/push the domain without you knowing because their verification system is crap? Or do you mean they might have owned the domains but let them expire and never deleted their old listings?

I haven't spent much time trying to figure it out but I do have the afternic distribution option turned on at Dan but yet my Dan interface seems to show none of them have synced (or are active listings) with afternic even though their listed on afternic too. I get the impression I will have to delete all my domains at afternic and add them again if i want it to fix this easily.
The only thing I still use Dan for is to import a sale for the 5% if the purchaser does not have an escrow account.

It's easier and faster than Escrow because the purchaser does not have to fill out as much paperwork.
@Esdiel - It's front running. They hope to sell the domain without even owning it. Buyer purchases the domain, they'll go ahead and bid on the domain and secure it.
Interesting and what i figured. I guess im surprised there's much of a chance of actually getting a lead under those circumstances since visiting the domain won't take you to their (fake) listing.
I got more clarification from DAN regarding their new automatic distribution. I asked them if turning on the distriubtion will remove Afternic listing:

Thank you for your message.

No, we do not delete duplicate listings until proof of ownership has been provided.

Let us know if you have additional questions.

Seen some sellers on Twitter say that their domains have sold when they didn't have nameservers pointed to DAN. They must be selling some domains if they're still doing it.
Interesting and what i figured. I guess im surprised there's much of a chance of actually getting a lead under those circumstances since visiting the domain won't take you to their (fake) listing.
I remember hearing people on twitter saying that people had placed fake listings on afternic... and the domains sold/transferred that way... and the money went to the scammer.

I'm thinking the domains would have to already be held at GD for that to be possible. I say that because GD takes complete control of the domain that sold if you sell the domain on one of their marketplaces, and the domain is held at GD.

At least that's how it works when you sell a domain at GD auctions... the domain just disappears from your account and they take care of the entire transfer process. I could see it happening that way where their automation overlooks/misses stuff, but its a major flaw if it's that easy.
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Yeah I remember reading Jamie (DotWeekly) post on Twitter. He got the domain back. Saw other sellers post about it too but they never posted an update if they got the domain back.

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