All sales listings are in CAD currency unless otherwise specified.
All sales listings are in CAD currency unless otherwise specified.
If I’m ever selling in USD I would always specify. Since this is a .CA forum all my listings will always be in CAN$ unless specified.
But in the absence of an official forum rule stating that, it would behoove sellers to spend a few extra seconds and type C-A-D, as personally, I read the rules and didn't see anything, so I was unsure which currency you were using. I'm serious, as in me thinking "If I say yes to $2500 is he going to come back and ask for USD?"
As someone very intelligent once told me, "Never Assume.. Anything"
Absolutely nothing, but at least we'll have one party who's right and another party who's wrong, rather than just pure "I assumed this" and "I assumed that" confusion, and the forum can decide how to respond to the situation.
I'm not trying to get Maple to police the marketplace, I am just looking for added clarity.
In fact, where Maple might be called on to make a decision is when there are no stated currency rules and both parties could be viewed as correct in their individual "assumptions".
This is just a forum. We don’t need 10000 rules just so you can be “right”.
It no doubt a good point to put the "CAD unless otherwise specified" into the verbiage. But the reality is, I've never seen an be an issue here, I doubt it will ever be an issue here, and any thoughts of "rules" is exactly as @MapleDots says, not the type of forum we really want to have here.
When you go to bestbuy.ca are you paying in USD? I think it’s pretty damn obvious if I’m on a Canadian website it is CAN$. Come on.
I added it for clarity but figured it should be specified in the opening post.
I would totally agree with this comparison if BestBuy.ca also listed some products in USD, which they don't. If they did, it would utter chaos.
You do realize that you can list in USD on DN.ca, right? If DN was CAD-only like BestBuy.ca, then we obviously wouldn't be having this conversation.
In theory, @DomainRecap is right, in reality, its a non-issue.
It would have killed you to ask I guess…