Domaining is becoming harder and domainers are feeling squeezed (1.Viewing)

Here's how the Dynadot lander looks: (not my domain)

I love the view upper case / lower case link.

The gradient is a bit odd and detracts from the lander but all else looks great. (y)

So here we have an an example where we can register a domain, get ssl forwarding, and get a lander all at the same time... wow

dynatodd @dynatodd are there any bulk registration or transfer discounts?

How many domains does one need to add to get the first price break?
SSL for the forwarding system has pretty much been the top of my todo list for the last couple weeks. I've been cleaning up the code base and making the old test suites work before I start making significant changes. But yes, certificate management is the main challenge, and there are slew of reasons why it is hard. Will it be ready for January? I certainly hope so.
I thought you were were an exclusive registrar! I heard that your last name has to be Mont something or other in order to even use bare metal

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