Epik announces its acquisition and planned integration of DNForum (1.Viewing)

MapleDots said:
I see [notify]amplify[/notify] from DNForum.com has joined here

I did. But, I only intended on lurking as there is so much information scattered across so many platforms. Left feedback instead and now pulled into this discussion. O:)

epik said:
I am thankful for the industry leaders who connect dots.
And quick to connect them as well. I was just in the DNForum thread asking if all were allowed to join, as to give him an opportunity to welcome new members, and to find out if this was open to just Canadians.

I believe that all forums have their place and we can all coexist happily. \m/

By the way, I'm loving the emoticons here. The commercial forum software seemed to have broken away from these legacy ones which are just all too fun to use. *CRAZY*
amplify said:
And quick to connect them as well. I was just in the DNForum thread asking if all were allowed to join, as to give him an opportunity to welcome new members, and to find out if this was open to just Canadians.

I added this...


It now says "anyone can join"
MapleDots said:
I believe that all forums have their place and we can all coexist happily. \m/

Amen and Amen. Do away with scarcity mindset. Cross-link and backlink as you like. Apply "Do unto others" is the acid test. Let folks learn from each other across any venue. The walled gardens should study what happened to AOL.
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MapleDots said:
He made a claim on the tldinvestors that DNForum did not censor and he was quickly corrected.
Thankfully, I was able to clarify what I said and clear up the confusion, but it took a little longer to get through moderation so that screenshot doesn't paint the best picture. :-/
MapleDots said:
After all I do have a portfolio of .com's you know 
You don't say?! :D

I see that I "joined yesterday" and thought to myself, "No, I just joined today." I suppose I need to get up and stretch my legs out a bit as it didn't register to me that it's past midnight.

I'll be around here, and of course, at DNForum. Hope to see you!

Please don't hesitate to give me an email, shoot me a message, or tag me in any post that requires attention.
epik said:
I am thankful for the industry leaders who connect dots. As such, Maple Dots is a brand name that resonates with me. The dot-connectors of the world who selflessly connect people and opportunities are underrated. It is a gift to be able to do that well.

The gift is in the giving
Welcome Rob and amplify *THUMBSUP*
epik said:
The walled gardens should study what happened to AOL.

Lol, I've always said the exact same thing. I think those of us in the same age range went through that experience of first getting online with AOL, then hating the fact that they tried to limit you to their ecosystem. Epic Fail.
MapleDots said:
Yup namepros is pretending like this sale did not even happen, you cannot mention it.

My prediction is they will eventually ban epik entirely now that they own a competing forum.

Mark my words

You can’t even search for the term “DNForum” on NP. Pretty pathetic!

Dn.ca is also a “banned” word as most people know.
Yup whenever you type in dn.ca it comes up as rule_violation and if you do it a few times you get restricted.

Funny part is I had full topics from years back that talked about how I got dn.ca and as soon as I put up a forum all the old topics come up as rule_violation as well.
I think running a forum is difficult enough but I don’t really blame NP. If all ccTLD’s had their own forum it would likely impact their traffic. The reality is even if that were the case people like to go to one place. They don’t like going to 10 different forums to talk about different ccTLD’s.

I have always visited NP in the past but was never really active. I just logged into DNForum for the first time today in over 10 years. I think it’s going to take a major transformation for DNForum and I really hope they can do it.

I have seen a major change in forums over the past 10 years and unless you have something really unique to offer it’s going to be very difficult to get the traffic you need to survive. Plus, I don’t see new domain investors joining like in the past. Which is why I truly believe to have a successful .CA forum today it would require it to be a private community.
theinvestor said:
I think running a forum is difficult enough but I don’t really blame NP. If all ccTLD’s had their own forum it would likely impact their traffic. The reality is even if that were the case people like to go to one place. They don’t like going to 10 different forums to talk about different ccTLD’s.

I have always visited NP in the past but was never really active. I just logged into DNForum for the first time today in over 10 years. I think it’s going to take a major transformation for DNForum and I really hope they can do it.

I have seen a major change in forums over the past 10 years and unless you have something really unique to offer it’s going to be very difficult to get the traffic you need to survive. Plus, I don’t see new domain investors joining like in the past. Which is why I truly believe to have a successful .CA forum today it would require it to be a private community.

Survival is no challenge -- like DomainGraduate.com, we can operate DNForum perpetually as a community service. It does not have to be a profit center and does not even need a dedicated team long-term. However, we'll see what we can get done here. The success of Clubhouse, and the decline of in person trade shows, just reinforces the need for open venues where people can congregate for content, community and commerce.
I’ve said this before but to have two competing forums like that is not easy. One will always fare better than the other. It’s not like one forum will have different members than the other one. So unless there’s something really unique they can’t survive together. Plus not to mention all the negativity DNForum brought to the industry. It will take a while to get that changed and hopefully Epik can do that.
I kind of thought about that last night and wondered if they would buy dnforum.ca for the .ca section. Then I saw the post by dan.com in this namepros article.


You can see that the services will be hesitant to post on a forum owned by another registrar. That is one of the main reasons I think Powered by Epik should only be a small tagline and not part of the logo.

For Canada I can see us using the .ca section but dn.ca will continue to be the only completely unsponsored independent .ca forum.
This is definitely a discussion to be had but as .CA owners we seem to think that business cannot operate if the .CA domain is not owned. There are so many Canadian businesses that still operate without a .CA website. They are just doing fine with a .COM website. This is why thinking that we can get these million dollar sales here in Canada is not realistic. It’s a shame because I don’t want to see people get burned when they get good offers. Just because a company is worth billions it doesn’t mean they’re going to pay a million bucks for a .CA.

I would like to know the percentage of businesses that own .com and .ca how many are actually using them as a separate website? I see so many being simply redirected. A lot which i see have the same website but change pricing to Canadian. Something that many Canadian businesses are doing that do not own a .CA website. They simply use your IP address to change what you see on their .com website.

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