Epik Is Now Hosting the Parler.com Site (1.Viewing)

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It Looks Like Epik Is Now Hosting the Parler.com Site
by James Iles | January 17, 2021

Last Monday, I broke the news that after being de-platformed and essentially shut down by Amazon’s hosting service, Parler made the decision to transfer its domain name to Epik.

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James Names aka James Iles

An amazingly nice guy...

I have had a few email conversations with this gentleman and he has easily become one of my favorite authors.

I have nothing but the highest respect and praise for James Iles and his blog. In our email exchanges he was kind, considerate and went out of his way to answer my questions. This gentleman is class all the way and I am lucky to have been able to interact with him.
As far as Epik hosting the site goes, I have only one opinion...

Censor the content, not the platform.

Here is my take on the whole censorship issue...

You have someone who is demented and talks about killing people. When you see it on a forum you can moderate it and you can answer the poster. When numerous posters try to correct the individual it keeps him engaged and it shows the community this person has a problem. By continuing to engage the poster in a positive constructive way and removing the hateful content you hopefully keep him off the street. He comes back, posts again and the process repeats.

Now side two, ban him, ban the platform, ban everything. Poster goes and vents his frustration in real life.

One can never control what people say or put into print but at least with the printed word you can engage and try to correct the behavior. If you remove all platforms these people use you are inviting real life violence instead of conversing in print.

Censorship by deplatforming companies like parler, epik, gab etc is the worst common denominator, it will cause more new hatret than what they are trying to censor in the first place. Look at what is happening in washington now, the fear is escalated riots. Instead of banning Trump they should have called for him to engage the users of twitter and tell them he does not endorse hatret. By taking that away the movement has spread like wildfire and has taken on a life of its own.

It is up to forum leaders to gently guide individuals and platforms can be used to communicate with vast amount of people in a relatively short time. Each one we shut down is a missed opportunity to engage with the platforms users in a constructive way.
MapleDots said:
As far as Epik hosting the site goes, I have only one opinion...

Censor the content, not the platform.

Here is my take on the whole censorship issue...

You have someone who is demented and talks about killing people. When you see it on a forum you can moderate it and you can answer the poster. When numerous posters try to correct the individual it keeps him engaged and it shows the community this person has a problem. By continuing to engage the poster in a positive constructive way and removing the hateful content you hopefully keep him off the street. He comes back, posts again and the process repeats.

Now side two, ban him, ban the platform, ban everything. Poster goes and vents his frustration in real life.

One can never control what people say or put into print but at least with the printed word you can engage and try to correct the behavior. If you remove all platforms these people use you are inviting real life violence instead of conversing in print.

Censorship by deplatforming companies like parler, epik, gab etc is the worst common denominator, it will cause more new hatret than what they are trying to censor in the first place. Look at what is happening in washington now, the fear is escalated riots. Instead of banning Trump they should have called for him to engage the users of twitter and tell them he does not endorse hatret. By taking that away the movement has spread like wildfire and has taken on a life of its own.

It is up to forum leaders to gently guide individuals and platforms can be used to communicate with vast amount of people in a relatively short time. Each one we shut down is a missed opportunity to engage with the platforms users in a constructive way.
You make some good points. I'm just skeptical about if it works that way in real life. I'll play devil's advocate.

How many times have there been violent crimes, and only after the fact we hear about how the perpetrator posts questionable opinions and ideas on social media regularly?

I'm not sure that being able to vent and discuss online is stopping many people from acting out violently. The leaders of violent events are going to carry out these acts regardless. But connecting with others online helps their ideas to spread. It gives them a chance to organize and coordinate and build a community. A few radicals are dangerous, but thousands and thousands of angry, misinformed people is something else; it's scary as hell.

I don't much like censorship, but I'm not sure what else to do about sites that facilitate hate speech and the organization of violent plans. Would Trump really have settled people down if he had been pressured to do so? I suspect he only would have paid more lip service to the Twitter brass, while further placating his supporters and subtly giving them even more encouragement.
The other problem with taking down an entire platform is that you're validating their concerns, you're giving them a very real, not just an imaginary, reason to lose their shit.

The far right wackos watched the far left wackos burn down cities and have politicians and news outlets sit back and just say, well this is a shame and we don't condone violence, but otherwise not do anything, not holding people accountable for their actions. Why wouldn't the far right wackos think they can then get away with the same thing?? Yet now, the politicians and media are saying HANG THEM ALL! Prosecute to the fullest every single one! Again, more real reasons for these wackos to lose their shit.

I believe they all should be prosecuted, and although that woman didn't deserve a bullet, she did deserve a nightstick to the head, as well as the rest of them. But I also felt the same thing during the BLM riots. You can't have it both ways, is it going to be rioting and lawlessness with no consequences for your actions? Or is this going to be a society of laws and consequences?

Until people are truly treated 100% equally and fairly, these problems are not going away.

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