Have an offer, Dan.com wants me to use Media Options (14.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I added a nice logo to my Dan listing
I got that option a few weeks ago and I think it enables at a certain offer level. Maybe $5K?

My question is how much extra commission do you lose by going with Media Options? Anyone know?
Then just add 20% to your top price and if they get it, then the $$$ are worth it.
Reminds me a bit how DomainNameSales/Uniregistry had outside brokers you could assign leads to. I think [notify]MaiTaiMan[/notify] was listed as a broker there.
FM said:
Reminds me a bit how DomainNameSales/Uniregistry had outside brokers you could assign leads to. I think [notify]MaiTaiMan[/notify] was listed as a broker there.

I was, for a hot minute, then removed myself because the quality of the domains I was being asked to represent were, as Rick the Domain King would say, "pigeon sh*t". Ahhh, memories...
GeorgeK said:
(1) What's the commission rate when a broker is expending time & energy finding you leads??

15% is industry standard for pro-active seller brokering, but I've seen up-and-coming brokers do this for as low as 7.5%.

GeorgeK said:
(2) Shouldn't the commission rate be lower than in (1) when you are providing the active lead?

That's been my experience, and makes logical sense to me. I charge a lower % to rep a lead that a domain owner brings to me, although I am very selective about repping, only for very special clients and friends. These days I am primarily a buyer broker.
MaiTaiMan said:
These days I am primarily a buyer broker.

The broker that offered me $1000 for this domain kept dropping your name.
Eventually at 10k he told me you said it was a great deal and I should take it.


Now I'm pretty much an independent thinker and am not domaining for myself, I don't need the money and I do it mostly to secure a future for my kids. Eventually my portfolio will make enough for the kids to get their houses and such so I always figure there is no rush.

I am finding offers to be going up on my premium domains, took one for red.com on Monday for 120k (finally) and that was the highest offer to date for that domain. The average offer was $100 until I imposed a $1000 minimum and then it I got more offers at $1000.

As soon as I moved the Buy Now to 1,250,000 the offers have been getting larger to my most recent at 120k.

Even the domain Flirt(dot)ca above is getting higher offers since I have made my expectations known by stating the buy now price.
MapleDots said:
The broker that offered me $1000 for this domain kept dropping your name.
Eventually at 10k he told me you said it was a great deal and I should take it.

Are you talking about mirror dot ca? If so, I know nothing about that, was not involved in that transaction, and I am dumbstruck that some random broker would reference me on a transaction I know nothing about and was not involved in. For the record, 10k for that domain would be a great deal ... for the Buyer, LOL.

If someone mentions my name again related to a deal, please let me know. Thanks.
MapleDots said:
I am finding offers to be going up on my premium domains, took one for red.com on Monday for 120k (finally) and that was the highest offer to date for that domain.

Presumably that should have been 'red.ca' (not .com), as the .com is owned by a camera company....

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