Hello everyone! (1 Viewing)

Welcome Sally!
Sally, have the Sibername servers been moved to WHC?

Some people are concerned that the performance of Sibername has decreased in the last couple of TBR runs?

I just signed up with Sibername a little while ago and I would love to see some sort of merging like what godaddy has for their auctions. So Sibername to catch them from TBR and then have them automatically drop into my WHC account.

PS. WHC has good registration prices for the first year but as a domainer the next years can get a bit pricey. I have domains with a number of registrars but I am considering pulling about 500 away from godaddy if I can get wholesale pricing somewhere.
MapleDots said:
Sally, have the Sibername servers been moved to WHC?

Some people are concerned that the performance of Sibername has decreased in the last couple of TBR runs?

I just signed up with Sibername a little while ago and I would love to see some sort of merging like what godaddy has for their auctions. So Sibername to catch them from TBR and then have them automatically drop into my WHC account.

PS. WHC has good registration prices for the first year but as a domainer the next years can get a bit pricey. I have domains with a number of registrars but I am considering pulling about 500 away from godaddy if I can get wholesale pricing somewhere.

We have migrated all shared hosting customers to our WHC servers.

Please check here for Emil Falcon's response regarding TBR: https://dn.ca/viewtopic.php?pid=1106

As for bulk domain pricing, we do offer this! Please send the request to info@whc.ca with the subject "Bulk Domains"
[notify]MapleDots[/notify] Can you please tell me which part of the forum I should be posting our Black Friday Deals?
Welcome to DN Sally. Great to see Siber back in the hunt during the TBR.

Sally said:
@MapleDots Can you please tell me which part of the forum I should be posting our Black Friday Deals?

The Talk Domain forum is for general domain and services talk
Welcome :)

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