Homepage effect, Yes or No? (3.Viewing)

If it doesn't accomplish anything, I wouldn't have it. I think it just distracts.
You know...

If you have to ask it's probably wrong, I agree and removed it.

That said I am trying something different and adding Text, Phone, and Twitter instead of just email as a contact.

A lot of my listings are now set to "Buy Now" but I also put my homepage and email on Dan in case someone wants to strike up a private negotiation.

Always trying something new to see how it affects the numbers.
MapleDots said:
A lot of my listings are now set to "Buy Now" but I also put my homepage and email on Dan in case someone wants to strike up a private negotiation.

Always trying something new to see how it affects the numbers.

I was just on one of your names. I believe the DAN landers look great. I noticed a BIN option and also Lease to own. Was there an option to Make offer as well along with those 2? In my opinion, I feel that giving someone just one of those 2 options, it narrows ones chances of selling a name. I understand that with the Make an offer option you will get some low offers you don’t necessarily like but I think it’s good to have that option.

With a BIN option and also a Make offer option, I feel this works better because a real potential buyer will see that you will not sell a domain with a BIN of $100K for $1K.
I guess I missed it if it's already removed, but I like your current set up.

MapleDots said:
I also put my homepage and email on Dan in case someone wants to strike up a private negotiation.

This is smart, plus did you know you can import leads/transactions into Dan and pay a smaller commission of 5% instead of 9%? Took me a while to notice it but it's a bit more prominent now with Dan 2.0.

It's in the top right corner of your sales section and looks like this once you click on it:


In case you're not aware yet, there's also the option to chat / negotiate with a buyer directly within Dan (that's not really obvious until you've received an offer). You do however always need to respond to an offer or counter-offer first (by either accepting, countering, or declining) before you can send messages. I often decline and then might strike up a conversation, but the moment they submit another counter, you then need to respond again (accept, counter, or decline) before you can continue chatting / the conversation.
Nafti said:
I was just on one of your names. I believe the DAN landers look great. I noticed a BIN option and also Lease to own. Was there an option to Make offer as well along with those 2?  In my opinion, I feel that giving someone just one of those 2 options, it narrows ones chances of selling a name. I understand that with the Make an offer option you will get some low offers you don’t necessarily like but I think it’s good to have that option.

With a BIN option and also a Make offer option, I feel this works better because a real potential buyer will see that you will not sell a domain with a BIN of $100K for $1K.

I activated the "Make Offer" with the lease option.

Dan says that reduces your odds of selling but it probably increases contact rates.
Esdiel said:
I guess I missed it if it's already removed, but I like your current set up.

This is smart, plus did you know you can import leads/transactions into Dan and pay a smaller commission of 5% instead of 9%? Took me a while to notice it but it's a bit more prominent now with Dan 2.0.

It's in the top right corner of your sales section and looks like this once you click on it:


In case you're not aware yet, there's also the option to chat / negotiate with a buyer directly within Dan (that's not really obvious until you've received an offer). You do however always need to respond to an offer or counter-offer first (by either accepting, countering, or declining) before you can send messages. I often decline and then might strike up a conversation, but the moment they submit another counter, you then need to respond again (accept, counter, or decline) before you can continue chatting / the conversation.

Considering credit card fees are 3% all by themselves, this is an excellent deal to let Dan handle everything.

I will probably be using that option for my homegrown sales.
I'm too late to see the bouncing dot, but I'm not sure about the two different size CA and COM dots next to each other to be honest. The rest I like.
HaHa.... When I got into this business over a decade ago I sold twice as many coms as ca but the only reason the com ball was bigger is because com is 3 letters and ca is two. The .ca was placed behind purely for astetics and mad sense given I solm more .coms.

I sold mostly LLCANADA.coms back then with the odd LLCANADA.ca

Later I added MapleWords in .ca and .com so the Canada flavour always worked for me.

Was surprised how many of them went to China and the USA where Maple were famous.

Never though about a logo redesign.

This was my second choice back then


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