How did the Canada Post Strike impact your business? (2.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Domain Business
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Surprisingly I found out that often ships cheaper than Canada Post.

My store ships thousands of packages annually and my costs have been creeping up via Canada Post. I never questioned it figuring everything was moving up in price. Using and I had an eye opener. is at par with Canada Post costs when you use GLS Courier but they are more expensive for everything else. That said they came in handy when the strike started but once I discovered then they became uncompetitive as well.

NetParcel got me costs down as low as $13 which is what it should be for a small box that has almost no weight. I remember paying 7-9 bucks to Canada Post and most of that costs in the early twenties now.

Will Canada Post get my business back?
Sure but only when they are the cheapest service, which means my annual business with them will now take a 50% hit annually.

Many small businesses discovered these services which quote you all courier pricing including Canada Post.

Good luck to the stickers, it's going to be lean times moving forward.
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Have you tried ChitChats? If yes, how do their prices compare with NetParcel?
So yes ChitChat is cheaper but not something I would use.

1. Needs to be dropped of or use Canpar to get to their office.
2. Massive restrictions on what can be sent.
3. $800 limit on what can be sent
4. They are only a middle man.
5. Twenty minute drive for me to drop them off.

I charge a $14.95 flat shipping fee and that used to cover my costs via Canada Post but now the average is 19-$25 per parcel.

With NetParcel I was able to get that down to 13-$18 per parcel.

ChitChat will do it for under $10 but that comes with risks and a drop in service. NetParcels picks up at location and we we ship hundreds of parcels using all kinds of couriers so to have them picked up at the door is worth the price.
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So I broke the costs down

A parcel weighing 4.6kg 30x24x24cm going from Ontario to Quebec
GLS Courier $21.39
Canada Post $18.23
ICS Courier $13.73
Purolator $17.97
Non Specified Courier or Post 2 days longer delivery and you have to drop it off 20 minutes away

If I were sending small ticket items ChitChats would make sense but for larger ticket insured items with end to end tracking ChitChats starts to look a bit ominous.

For me NetParcels is the clear winner at $13.73 tax in.
We charge $14.94 + tax = $16.89

That gives me a net profit of $3.16 per parcel on the freight to pay for packaging and handling costs.

Mind you some shipments will cost a lot more depending on where they are headed but Canada Post is going to be in trouble because I can save about $5 per package going with private courier services. I don't think I'm going back to Canada post except for PO boxes and far outlying rural deliveries.
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