How to find the best Internet address for your business (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
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Nice article...

What’s in a name? Plenty, if you’re trying to attract customers on the Internet. A key piece of the digital marketing strategy puzzle is the choice of an effective domain name: The address or name assigned to a website (e.g.

Domain name: Find the best web address for your business

I have only one issue with it....

What the heck os the website called, for the life of me I cannot figure out what bdc stands for.

Is there such a thing as a domain name that's just too generic?

A tagline maybe?
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Nice article...

Domain name: Find the best web address for your business

I have only one issue with it....

What the heck os the website called, for the life of me I cannot figure out what bdc stands for.

Is there such a thing as a domain name that's just too generic?

A tagline maybe?
Am I missing something? you are asking what BDC stands for? It is a crown corporation, been around for a long time but is always shortening its name

Could not find any reference to the name when I looked at the article. They just assume everyone knows what bdc stands for.
I was verifying because often, I have a knack for missing the obvious and extrapolating tangents.

Poor identity branding on the part of BDC. I think their crown corporation status should be easily identifiable so it doesn't come across as another private for-profit entity. Perhaps they do turn a profit because I do hear them in radio commercials once in a while.
Yup, I was talking about the fact that they are teaching people how to brand yet they are branded so poorly.

Honestly, if you visit their site the first time you would never know who or what they are. It is assumed you know what bdc stands for.

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