lol, they're essentially buying back the voters they confused with the bad domain "howyouvote"...
Some of you know I'm a volunteer firefighter, one of the hobbies that being a domainer allows me to have the time to do. For a guy who has sat at a desk doing engineering or programming stuff for 30 years, its actually kinda fun to do. During the really bad wildfire summers, I also help out around the province, which requires working an average of a 15 hour work day, sometimes even up to 20 hours. We work 14 straight days, then get 3 days off, then back for another 14 days, etc. It can be grueling and stressful, but I typically get to go all over this beautiful province and see places I'd have no other reason to go see. This year, the fires were right outside my town of Vernon, with heavy ash falling at times and mucking up my pool all summer - which I did not get to enjoy. Needless to say, I was too tired to be following anything online during this time, let alone TBR or any forums. Hopefully ya'll got some bargain deals on good domains while I was gone. I'm still trying to get caught up on business and family stuff, so I won't be too active for a bit yet. Furthermore, I'm going on a trip backpacking in the Grand Tetons starting next week, so I'll be gone 2 more weeks for that. After that, hopefully I'll get back into the regular routine of things and visiting