Huge Domains - my biggest competitor (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

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So it's no secret that I have been selling MapleDomains for a number of years. Although I am now mainly purchasing one word .ca domains I notice the Maple Domain market has gotten relatively hot. I own quite a few Maple Domains but Huge Domains is on a rampage buying any two word combination of, so much so that they now own about 700 of them.

Then there is and also buying up a lot of maples.

When I started registering maple domains there was almost no market for them but my my how the times have changed.

I sold two of mine this weekend and it made me look at the state of maple domains again.
I generally don't purchase them at auction anymore because they all go up to $800 if I bid against them.

That said the domains with Canada or Canadian also bid up high at Huge Domains because I had to bid $1,300 USD to get and the only bidder I was up against was huge domains. I have a firm offer of 12k USD on the table for that one but am inclined to turn it down.

So the market for two word Canadian flavoured domains is getting hotter than ever showing that Canadian businesses are also registering Canadian flavoured .coms.

But... and this is a big but!!!

Maple is famous all over the world and the second largest registration country is China because of the massive popularity of the MapleStory game. In the USA Maple is also very much sought after which in my opinion is the third largest Maple Market.

So at this point I am pretty much out of the Maple buying game and pursuing my one word .ca's but I have to say it is fascinating to watch the activity on the domains that gave me my start in the business.

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