I predict PAID landing pages (1.Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON

I think the clock is ticking and certain domain market places are going to have PAID landing pages.

I think the days of free landers are slowly coming to an end and you will have to pay membership fees to list your domains.

Don't think I right?

Chime in below...
PS. No it's not dn.ca, our landers and marketpages are (and will continue to be) free.

I am working on a paid premium listing section but that is a work in progress and will not replace the freemium version.
I have refused offers with their 25% fee attached and will refuse paid landing pages. So far their customers have contacted me directly, and to be fair, I discounted our price by 15% because we were prepared to pay a commission. Just not THAT commission.

They think they have the market for sales cornered and that means it's only a matter of time till something else evolves. I won't sit still for monopolies. It reminds me of the Verisign days and the monopoly there. We just walked around them.

DNJournal That was just one example.
For Standard Listings, it used to cost $5 to get a designer to create the logos. Now they're charging $.25 Ai created logos and if the logo doesn't come out good, refund is given.

There was no credit before and they listened to feedback and changed.

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Sponsors who contribute to keep dn.ca free.

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