MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Hello fellow members..

I wanted to ask if everyone was ok with TBR prices and sold prices being posted on the forum?
Someone said they felt our members might not like the prices posted so I thought I would ask.

Personally I think as much as possible we should be posting sold prices.
It is important for us to document this to show people larger sales and even how TBR is taking off.

Rick Schwartz said this in one of his posts...
He said he will tell anyone what he paid for a domain because it says nothing about the value of a domain. It just means someone did not recognize the value in it.

I know I am misquoting a bit on that, I will try to find it but I am of the same mind. Each domain is unique and if you want it you have to pay the price or look for something else.

Guys, I am eager to make this forum home for all .ca information. does not charge member fees, we do not display ads, we are receptive and listen to our members. DN was built from the ground up to be for Canadians and to become a FREE resource for .ca information in Canada.

I have donated one of my best domains to this project and I will continue to fund any growth necessary, the only thing I ask in return is that you help me build it. If you post .ca information somewhere else please consider posting it here as well. I can only do this if we do it as a team and I need daily engagement by anyone that can help out.

Thank you so much guys, I truly do appreciate your help to date.
There was a time in the past where I would see TBR sales being reported. I am not sure if this was being reported by individuals or by the registrars. used to have many sales reported but I can’t recall if that was due to them having auctions as well. My memory is a bit foggy as during that time I was focusing my attention more on .com.

I think as a community in order to build it we must be open with prices. Even if those are TBR prices. We also must realize that the average end user looking to pick up a domain isn’t going around searching to see what price a domain was picked up for. They rarely can figure out how long a domain has even been registered.

So I think the decision should be based on whether we think having these TBR prices public is beneficial. Surely even when you look at these reported sales from SEDO you will see that they can be even lower than TBR prices.
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I don't mind, but it's certainly gong to piss off any investor buying said domains for resale to have their cost price highlighted across the Internet for every potential buyer to see. It's hard enough getting cheap Canadian companies to shell out money without giving the lowballers more ammunition.

Personally I think prices should be limited to the very cream of the crop TBR auctions, so as not to artificially lower any sales charts with junk domains selling for 3-figures or something, as that's the last thing the .CA market needs. I'd say a $2K minimum at least for inclusion, but again, this type of publicity has definite repercussions and could lead to fewer big investors taking part in the forum.

I know if I was buying $10K TBR premiums that I hoped to resell for high 5-figures/low 6-figures and saw these wholesale prices promoted on here for all to see, the door couldn't hit my ass quick enough.
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If I bought a domain for $500 10 years ago it doesn’t mean I am willing to sell it for $550 today.

When was the last time you received an offer and have been told the price you purchased it at?

If someone wants your domain you are dictating the price. It’s not preventing sales because you have a published domain purchase.

Everyone wants transparency in the .CA market. We want bidders to be shown when we’re in auctions. Yet, when we talk about pricing being open we become reluctant. We have a unique system with TBR where we sometimes get lucky and get a steal on a top domain.

If we can’t push for an open system we are likely being screwed somehow. The .CA market is small. How many people are really competing weekly in these TBR auctions? Yet we see every week thousands of dollars being bid on domains.
DomainRecap said:
I know if I was buying $10K TBR premiums that I hoped to resell for high 5-figures/low 6-figures and saw these wholesale prices promoted on here for all to see, the door couldn't hit my ass quick enough.

So lets take this hypothetical investor

If he posts here or not it is not relevant to the fact that we can gather that information and post it.
So regardless if the person who paid the TBR price is a member here or not it would not change the data.

In fact I would argue that being a member would grant him special privilege's because he could make a request to disguise the domain from google indexing.

So say a non member pays 10k at TBR, we post it and there is nothing he can do about it.

A member on the other hand can approach the forum moderator and say... hey I have a deal going on this could you disguise it so it does not get indexed.

So you see, we probably will post TBR results because they are public information. A member can always make a request from the moderator. We will make the changes to facilitate a sale. It is in our best interest to have happy members and that is one of the reasons other forums lose so many members. We have no draconian rules, we only have common sense and smart moderators to help assist our members.

So I think the information will filter it's way in regardless, however we are in a unique situation that we can decide as a group how best to display that information so it benefits the investor and still have it available as a resource.
I still believe that unless you can get a full weekly TBR price list from MyID and Siber, it runs the obvious risk of being used as a selective tool for backstabbing, a la "I was outbid and lost, so I'll post the price so future buyers will see it".

And again, I don't take part in the TBR at these price levels, so I don't have a dog in this race, but I still talk to people who do not appreciate wholesale prices being made public, and also understand the human nature of those who may feel anger at losing a high-end auction.

Without access to full and impartial TBR data, it's a very slippery slope and not something I would get involved in personally.
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I personally don’t mind but I think the names should be masked (pun intended).

You never know if a potential end user punches in into Google and the price that YOU paid comes up from a forum.

So I believe the name should be something like XXXXXXX dot ca. Or similar. Less chances of it being indexed by Google.
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Nafti said:
So I believe the name should be something like XXXXXXX dot ca. Or similar. Less chances of it being indexed by Google.

We can simply list like this

saas sold at 1k
purple sold at 10k

We all know we are talking ca and the k indicates thousand

It will never hit google in any meaningful way yet a domainer looking for stats can easily decipher the information.
I see some great suggestions above. I find the discussions going in the right direction and the contribution and views of theinvestor, DomainRecap, Nafti and the Admin represent the best interest of all the .CA investors.

It might be better as Frank had said above to list them in a way it won't be an act of exposing them. It might be helpful to everyone.
This could work. I appreciate keeping a modicum of privacy so as not to potentially affect future sales.

MapleDots said:
We can simply list like this

saas sold at 1k
purple sold at 10k

We all know we are talking ca and the k indicates thousand

It will never hit google in any meaningful way yet a domainer looking for stats can easily decipher the information.
MapleDots said:
We can simply list like this

saas sold at 1k
purple sold at 10k

This would work and you can even get it tighter and less likely to be Googled by removing "sold at" and just go with...

saas 1k
purple 10k
DomainRecap said:
At this point I don't think it's really going to matter:

Yes, some people will feel strongly about reporting the TBR sales and others will want them to be more quiet.
We cannot prevent posts like the one above but we can compromise.

By limiting reporting members will post in places that encourage it and we all know those sites will not let you alter posts. So if we do it here, we have the ability to edit in an emergency and we have to ability to show how it should be listed.

This is our .ca home and the point is we control how the information is displayed, anywhere else we lose that ability.
Spex said:
Yeah, I've seen that thread but Frank can't really control what gets posted elsewhere

theinvestor feels strongly that TBR sales should be reported.
We either do it here or people will go elsewhere to do it and the information is scattered all over the place.

We all benefit by making a home grown resource that we can mold into something we need it to be. We are a small tight group, we can be as flexible as needed, that is our advantage.
I'll throw my $0.02 in - which is probably similar to most lines of thinking anyways. So here are my thoughts:

First off, if we're discussing reported sales data, I do believe its important to distinguish between wholesale/reseller versus enduser/retail type sales. There's a reason that no business anywhere lists their cost of inventory. Some items have massive markup, others have very little, some are sold at a loss leader. Buyers aren't going to be happy to know that the watch battery you're buying at Best Buy for $5 costs wholesale at $0.50, or that phone screen protector they're selling for $40 is worth $0.50 plus $2.00 worth of packaging to make it look expensive. Obviously knowing wholesale pricing is going to put up a mental barrier to buying certain products at retail.

Then there's the fact that the more desirable domains are more like art, whereas the less desirable domains are more like a commodity. Pricing is extremely dependent on the domain and who the seller and buyers are. Some formulaic value placed on a domain only has a limited value - and mostly only for those lower end domains.

So what is the point of publishing sales data?

Well, from a simplistic standpoint, its a data point. Data is gold, so gather that data and a smart person can learn from it to see trends and investment opportunities. So I certainly understand that perspective, and I definitely collect more data than most domainers do - I guess I consider that my competitive advantage. Knowledge is power.

Of course sales data has other value as well. It can also be republished as content for your business, or generate conversation like in this forum. More obviously, reported sales might be used to establish an end-user value based on comparable sales just like its used in real estate and property taxes. But there's a big difference in the data quality of having 100% reporting of real estate sales compared to the tiny fraction of reported domain sales. So domain valuation tools only have a very limited value. Unfortunately, the tiny amount of reported end user sales, as well as the disproportionate types of sales reported, make the data all pretty insignificant.

But regardless of how you use any data, its important to thoroughly understand it. So distinguishing between TBR sales, reseller sales and end user sales is extremely important. So for me, I don't really care about collecting TBR price data - other than to exclude it from end-user sales data. To me, it just ruins the good data I do want to see, the end-user sales. Otherwise, what is valuable about it?

Is is data mildly entertaining? I guess so, maybe it gives people something else to chatter about on the forum. But I can guess the sales prices with enough accuracy that knowing the actual price doesn't really add too much value to me personally.

And sure, yes, I really wouldn't want a buyer to be able to find reported wholesale prices in Google. Is it unlikely? Yes. But understand that other forums are commercial enterprises, you and your content are the product. At least I trust that this forum isn't trying to profit off my content, it exists for the domain community and no one else, I haven't discovered any hidden agenda here and I can speak my mind. I don't even bother posting .CA content anywhere else anymore.

In the end, I honestly have no problem if people want to post TBR prices. Personally I wouldn't choose it for my domains, but if someone knows and wants to publish it, that's their choice. On occasion I've made reference to some TBR prices myself, but I always feel like maybe that person is here and he doesn't like me making reference to it publicly. If so, I certainly understand that.

So as others have mentioned, if its to be done, I wouldn't mind seeing it without the ".ca" and without the word "sold" might help make it less likely to be easily googled - not that is too much of an issue, but why take the chance and potentially shoot yourself or a friend in the foot?

For me, I just don't care about TBR sales enough to post them. I just don't see the value to myself or the community - but if I'm missing something useful about it, I'm certainly to open to discussing it!
I can only guarantee one thing...

No hidden agenda for

I built it for us to use and I put the top team of moderators I could find in charge.

No ads, no member fees, no reading of private messages and no hounding members for donations.

I built this for us and as you can see I discuss everything with the members. The members build the content and hopefully it creates some excitement in the .ca market.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free for everyone.

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