If this bothers you, go after boats, they’re worse than planes and much more accessible.It's called Rampant Population Growth - in many densely populated capitalist countries, the skies are literally covered with planes. My favorite are the "hobby planes" whose rich pilots spew toxic waste all day long "just for fun". Maybe the next "hot rich-guy hobby" will be burning down forests or dumping nuclear waste in the rivers "just for fun".
These are just contrails (water vapor).My wife thinks this is GEO engineering but I think its because we are near the Toronto, Waterloo, and Hamilton airports.
I will never convince my wife and truthfully I wonder sometimes myself but could you imagine if this was GEO engineering the costs would bankrupt the country. I just find it hard to believe you could spray an entire country like Canada.
@rlm you fly, what is your opinion on this?
If this bothers you...
Hobby planes are usually small, I remember back in the day they had Subaru Boxer engines, basically polluting as much as a car.