Is this GEO engineering? (2.Viewing)

Is this GEO engineering?

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My wife thinks this is GEO engineering but I think its because we are near the Toronto, Waterloo, and Hamilton airports.

I will never convince my wife and truthfully I wonder sometimes myself but could you imagine if this was GEO engineering the costs would bankrupt the country. I just find it hard to believe you could spray an entire country like Canada.

rlm @rlm you fly, what is your opinion on this?
It's called Rampant Population Growth - in many densely populated capitalist countries, the skies are literally covered with planes. My favorite are the "hobby planes" whose rich pilots spew toxic waste all day long "just for fun". Maybe the next "hot rich-guy hobby" will be burning down forests or dumping nuclear waste in the rivers "just for fun".
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It's called Rampant Population Growth - in many densely populated capitalist countries, the skies are literally covered with planes. My favorite are the "hobby planes" whose rich pilots spew toxic waste all day long "just for fun". Maybe the next "hot rich-guy hobby" will be burning down forests or dumping nuclear waste in the rivers "just for fun".
If this bothers you, go after boats, they’re worse than planes and much more accessible.
My wife thinks this is GEO engineering but I think its because we are near the Toronto, Waterloo, and Hamilton airports.

I will never convince my wife and truthfully I wonder sometimes myself but could you imagine if this was GEO engineering the costs would bankrupt the country. I just find it hard to believe you could spray an entire country like Canada.

rlm @rlm you fly, what is your opinion on this?
These are just contrails (water vapor).

However, Canada does plenty of cloud seeding to modify weather too. Cloud seeding (with silver iodide typically) is used to induce precipitation as ways to reduce fog, create rain where needed, create snow at ski resorts, or induce hail to fall before it gets too big and more damaging to population centers.
If this bothers you...

It's quite amusing this 1-person mass polluting technique doesn't bother you at all, and that you would stoop to the old "but look at what X is doing" strawman.

Hobby airplane pilots are potentially the largest recreational mass polluters per capita in Canada. I looked over the stats and I can't see anything that even comes close. Maybe you know of another popular & legal recreational activity that produces more carbon per hour, per person...

P.S. Don't pick mega-yachts as there is only one recorded owner in Canada and it's not even 100m.

I'm no tree-hugger, but recreational hobby pilots are just the most blatant example of our "if you have the money, you can effectively do anything" society, as every weekend, hundreds of 1 & 2-person private hobbyist planes are spewing massive amounts of toxic waste over every major city in Canada... just for fun. It's so incredibly bizarre (like Leo's mega-yacht) it's almost funny.

Cue Trudeau raising carbon taxes because Canada is not meeting its total carbon usage goals, while he imports 500K+ new citizens per year. :D
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Hobby planes are usually small, I remember back in the day they had Subaru Boxer engines, basically polluting as much as a car.

Those are old school cheap-ass piston tech and no one outside of the homeless uses that anymore - jk. A lot of wealthy people have upgraded to small single turbo-prop models that use carbon-loaded jet fuel and are massively polluting. All our private airports and clubs are limited to the very wealthy (like Rockcliffe) and I don't think the average guy flies planes for a hobby anymore - when I was a kid, half my friend's Dads owned or co-owned a small gas-powered plane.

It really comes down to the type of fuel used and anyone with serious resources who wants to join the cool kids has a little Cessna, Piper or similar with single turbo-prop tech. Even remote control/RC hobbyist aircraft are using jet fuel to attain higher speeds.

There are also a lot of private helicopters being used for recreation, as well as joyrides and jaunts (remember that helicopter that was used to pick up a cake at Dairy Queen?) and the newer turbo-prop models also use jet fuel, they're absolutely horrible on the environment. As the below article confirms, people are idiots and people with private aircraft are even bigger idiots.

Man’s ‘illegal’ Dairy Queen helicopter stop earns him a charge from Canadian police

But hey, that's what capitalism means, being able to do pretty well whatever you want (the guy still got his Dairy Queen cake) if you have enough money.
Youtube, years back, used to be a good resource for finding info on this topic, but much less now when I tried searching.

I live somewhere where the claim used to be the most sunniest days in Canada, so that I can tell the difference over the years. Now a clear sky most often happens on holidays and Sundays:) Everyone thinks this is not happening where they live until they pay more attention, all NATO countries experience this I think. Here. I observed the sky completely seeded in about two hours, and then any remaining empty spots left.

There are plenty of patents on this type of geoengineering, and I hear PR mentions potential future programs to combat climate change. Also, one can find mainstream news mentions of declassified aerial experiments during the cold war in England and the US on the unsuspecting population.

Further evidence of some of these things happening is the prevalent presence of aluminum in the soil where there is no industry of any kind present. Not a geoengineering doc but "Age of Aluminum" is an interesting watch.


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