.CA John.ca - Sold $5,000 USD (1 Viewing)


Dec 19, 2020
John.ca sold for 5K USD @ Sedo on 2021-02-05.


And here are some other john sales:


And a few more I found via GD valuation tool (w/o dates):

john.best $500 (USD)
john.mobi $1000 (USD)
ps: Congrats to whomever bought it. It would have likely sold around this price or more if it ever made its way to TBR.
I wonder if Maple bought it, as this listing was covered in one of his threads.
DomainRecap said:
I wonder if Maple bought it, as this listing was covered in one of his threads.

I believe the question was asked and he confirmed he didn't. Although it must be someone here (or someone watching).
Esdiel said:
I believe the question was asked and he confirmed he didn't.

He said he didn't really like the name's negative connotations, but that doesn't mean he didn't change his mind and buy it.

If you're a realtor named John, this is a crazy good buy at $5K considering the trend for agents and other professionals to use FirstName.ca as a business (vanity) site.
Agree, for a Realtor with that name it's a steal, but I am afraid if that's the case.
A member probably bought it, I watched the name, it did not move until I mentioned it here.
I recall enquiring about Roger.ca a few years ago and if memory serves me correctly, he wanted $25K for it. I believe $5K USD is a great buy. There are MANY John’s living in Canada who would love this name.

Here is the “Showcase your first names” thread for those who haven’t seen it yet.


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