Just received my first 10 million dollar offer (1.Viewing)

I can beat that one with several (cough) offers I've received on Dan.

I think $68,000,000 is my current high bid.

Be careful accepting, as a lot of these nimrods are just looking for personal info to pull identity scams with.
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Looking for the data just like how they did it on Dan. I wonder what they show on buyer's end at SAW.

OMG its so nice, it shows...

  • Client Name
  • Client Phone Number
  • Client email
  • Tracked IP
  • linked in address if found
  • automatically searches Google and shows results with client name
  • average income for the listed address
  • it engages the client asking them what their budget is and if they would like to proceed further
  • opens a chat window
  • sends me an email
  • verifies the client email
  • sends me an internal message
  • shows me if the inquiry came from a residential or commercial address
  • shows me where else the email address is used
  • shows me where else the phone number is used
  • asks me if I want to assign it to a broker at 15% instead of 9%
Well, I received my first Million Dollar offer too. Asked for a fraction, but seems like there are generous buyers these days. LOL

Haha, got ya beat on that one too, received the offer below this morning.

PS. I just turned on email verification, you can do that system wide or on a per domain basis.
I just turned it on for my higher value domains, hopefully it ends this crap.

Screenshot (99).png
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