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Nov 23, 2023
Toronto, ON
So you're on the bus eating a taco. It's not a particularly good taco, for the same reason that you're riding the bus; you're flat broke. You get off the bus, and enter a Tims to mooch off the free wifi. You whip out your "10-year-old-on-sale-at-walmart" phone as you sit at a booth, and start typing away on Google. See, you need to take out some loans to pursue your dream of becoming a full-time domainer and escape your near-destitute situation. So you type in the domain of your go-to website for loans, (which, in this thought experiment, taking place some indefinite amount of time in the future, is owned by a large Canadian money-lending corporation). But whoops! Some taco sauce dripped onto your phone, and you accidentally entered! No matter. Because years ago that large Canadian money-lending corporation had the foresight to buy that domain too for, I dunno, 5 figures at least.

If you're interested, email me at


P.S. Rumour has it that sold for over $500,000 USD!

Let me clarify @rlm's comedic response

What you say makes perfect sense in a perfect world, (or imperfect in the case of misspells) but you forgot one critical fact that is undeveloped so it's more than premature to start paying renewal fees for a misspell to a site that has not even launched yet. Both and are not developed sites, but given your logic someone should hurry and register

You can get lucky in .com doing that but in .ca it's going to be a hard lesson come renewal time.

Consider the fact you just have two very experienced domainers tell you that. I assure you we both mean well, so instead of registering blindly ask yourself why the domain has not been registered to this date and if you want to do even better check the history of the domain to see if some poor guy has already done what you have and dropped it long ago.

Good luck.

PS. In your for sale topics you can hit report to have these type of comments removed from your for sale topic, but until you do that you may consider asking more questions before registering domains that have little to no chance of selling.
Lol, point taken. I'm high on the hubris of youth and the folly of inexperience. I'm still going to keep it though. And if in 50 years from now I'm still not able to sell it, and I've spent 1000 CAD in renewals over it, I'll come back to this page (or an archived version of it anyway) and say, "You know, I was really stupid back in the day," and grin to myself reminiscently. The internet is young. I'm young. I can wait.
Lol, point taken. I'm high on the hubris of youth and the folly of inexperience. I'm still going to keep it though. And if in 50 years from now I'm still not able to sell it, and I've spent 1000 CAD in renewals over it, I'll come back to this page (or an archived version of it anyway) and say, "You know, I was really stupid back in the day," and grin to myself reminiscently. The internet is young. I'm young. I can wait.

Well my point was two fold. First as a nod to your creative writing abilities! And second, yes, like @MapleDots pointed out. There will be no traffic on a typo of an undeveloped domain name, so there would be no way to justify that kind of valuation.

And one last tip - don't forget about the alternatives such as plurals. Its hard to ask a price like that for when isn't even registered.
Lol, point taken. I'm high on the hubris of youth and the folly of inexperience.

Well I'm old and full of piss and vinegar, but as RLM probably knows more about .CA that the rest of us have forgot, your comment below is exactly the wrong way to go about things.

That is, unless you're here to waste money and have a desire to live on the street.

I'm still going to keep it though. And if in 50 years from now I'm still not able to sell it, and I've spent 1000 CAD in renewals over it...

Although I've said this many times, many ways, .CA is not .COM and you need to treat it differently.
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