- Domain Names and Cybersquatting (1.Viewing)

Jul 1, 2022
Toronto, ON
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Legal Line | FREE Legal Information

Domain Names and Cybersquatting​

Domain Names and Cybersquatting - FREE Legal Information | Legal Line
Funny how they don't even get into how many domains have intrinsic value and selling such domains is a legitimate interest, among other aspects such as registration dates etc.

Whoever wrote this likely knows nothing and just paraphrased someone else's article to make it their own content. It isn't very helpful, or perhaps "misleading" is a better word, as they make it sound as if it's as easy as 1-2-3 to get whatever domain you want via a CDRP.
What else is a legal site supposed to say? That a CDRP has a ton of requirements, could be very expensive, you risk a RNDH finding (and a place on Rick's Hall of Shame), and if you don't hit all of the targets, you will almost certainly lose?

Doesn't sound good for gaining potential customers and legal fees, does it?
What's most amusing about this crap is that the requirement they repeat, "registers a domain name containing the trademark usually for the purpose of selling the domain name to the owner of the trademark at an inflated price" is not a part of the CDRP/UDRP process and never has been.

This is an obvious customer lure with the "inflated price" designed to elicit anger ("let's get those evil squatters, Bertram!") when in reality it is not present in the requirements, the domain investor's right to price the digital asset as he or she sees fit has been supported in innumerable decisions, and the "domain is waaaaaay too expensive" is only noted when rogue panelists pretend to be domain valuation experts and make themselves look like drooling idiots.
What else is a legal site supposed to say? That a CDRP has a ton of requirements, could be very expensive, you risk a RNDH finding (and a place on Rick's Hall of Shame), and if you don't hit all of the targets, you will almost certainly lose?

Doesn't sound good for gaining potential customers and legal fees, does it?
It would be a lot more honest and informative for sure, but I was thinking that at first too. Cant explain away too much if you want people to call you for advice BUT LegalLine isn't a real law firm either.

Bottom of their site says:
"This Website provides legal information and referrals. For legal advice, contact a lawyer." but if i click on contact a lawyer about a certain area of law it provided no lawyers to contact.

And their about page says they're a non-profit:

"We provide easy-to-understand legal answers written in plain language. Legal Line is a Federal not-for-profit organization providing access to Canadian laws since 1993. Educating the public about the law is a necessary step in advancing Access to Justice.:

Seems to be meant as a non-profit information resource for "access to justice" more than anything else.
Non-profit doesn't mean they don't create revenue (or will at one point), just that they spend it all. :D

I've seen the books on non-profits whose expenditures and salaries would make your hair go white and then fall out.

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