Major Software Upgrade (2.Viewing)

ADMINADMIN is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

We have just completed a major forum software upgrade to version 2.3.4

This updated a lot of the base code and therefore interuppted a lot of our custom modifications.

We are working as fast as possible to restore all functions but it is a long and cumbersome project involving lots of coders, addons, and settings.

DO expect momentary errors and some things not to function in the short term.

Report any bugs here
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The upgrade is now complete, we had to deactivate a few things temporarily until we recode them but other than that most everything is back to normal.

Any errors or oversights please report here.

We are now running the absolute latest version of Xenforo, virtually no other domaining forum can boast the same, this was a major upgrade as far as recoding addons and scripts were concerned. Virtually every addon and custom script had to be recoded or re tweaked.

One of the new forum features is whenever you quote a topic or post it unfurls it and shows a preview like above.

I simply posted a link to the forum guidelines and as you can see that post displays inside of this topic.

You can click it if it's of interest to got to the topic.
The TwitterX issue is totally resolved with improved embedding now showing you a preview as the tweet loads.

Very handy for pages that have multiple tweets so you see something as the page loads.

Keep in mind sometimes tweet owners will delete tweets or an account could be suspended by X. In this case if you don't see the tweet just click the link and it will tell you a reason why it was deleted.

If you have a controversial tweet or a private X account you can always take a screen shot and post it with a link to the tweet.
Private Messages are now called Direct Messages.

Xenforo had them called conversations before and switched the term to Direct Messages on the last update erasing our wording of Private Messages.

Nothing has changed other than the wording, at your messages are and always will continue to be private.

Direct Messages also have unlimited storage now and we have increased the number of invited participants from 3 to 6 for registered members and from 6 to unlimited for verified members.

So basically you can make a private group chat with as many members as you like and you can invite another member to the chat (direct message) as desired.

I have some interesting chats going with members that have had larger sales in 2024 and I can tell you things are getting interesting.
1. MOBILE view has been completely overhauled and simplified for the smaller screens, all the extras have been removed to focus solely on the main index page.

2. The dark skin has also been incorporated into mobile and it's clean look mimics desktop as close as you can on a small mobile screen.

3. On the desktop software the right floating widgets bar is now fully removed from most screens other than the main index screen to allow members to focus on content instead of distractions.

4. The PREMIUM listings are now exclusively featured on the right side bar of the index page to give them additional exposure. They move up the line anytime someone posts in the listing.

5. Instead of showing the latest posts in the right bar of the index page we now show the latest topics. Since all the posts list every time you click on NEW POSTS we figured it would be nice to see the 6 last TOPICS upon a new visit. Scrolling to the bottom also shows the most popular topics of the week and of the month.

6. Members now get unlimited Direct Message storage which is now searchable so you can find your old messages quickly.

7. Explore for a totally dedicated SALES EXPERIENCE

8. There are a number of new features planned for 2025 so stay tuned.

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