Merger & Acquisitions (1 Viewing)

  • Topic Starter rlm
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Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
Anyone else here been recently contacted by an M&A company about being bought out? If so, PM/email me.
I have had that 3 times since 2006
domains said:
Still waiting to be contacted :cool:

If I sold all my domains, I think I would just get into it again and start from scratch.

If I sold it all, I’d probably keep a couple and focus on a project or two that I never seem to get around to working on.
domains said:
Still waiting to be contacted :cool:

If I sold all my domains, I think I would just get into it again and start from scratch.

I would do the same. Like to have a fresh start.
Eby said:
I would do the same. Like to have a fresh start.

I can't imagine starting over from scratch, the amount of time & effort, not to mention money, that it would cost. What we have now has been slowly accumulating for going on 2 decades...
rlm said:
I can't imagine starting over from scratch, the amount of time & effort, not to mention money, that it would cost. What we have now has been slowly accumulating for going on 2 decades...

I completely understand it @rlm. I don’t think I could afford to own half of what I have currently. But I thought that was the point. Looking at the numbers of domains that were dropped over the course of the past 21+ years, boy oh boy, didn’t I learn something. I remember checking every possible domain I could think of on the 8th of Nov 2000 when CIRA launched, only to find they were picked up by my friendly competitors who had then under their corporate accounts. Didn’t know about that little secret. But no regrets. I am still learning and hence my comment.

Our children had a great head start for sure!
I remember wanting to register .ca's before the 2000 landrush, and then learning that only corporations could register .ca at that time. When the landrush came for all, I put in a huge list and got only a few.
domains said:
I remember wanting to register .ca's before the 2000 landrush, and then learning that only corporations could register .ca at that time. When the landrush came for all, I put in a huge list and got only a few.

I know the feeling... I didn't even have a list.. no bulk option.. had to manually enter one by one..LOL
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I didn’t start until 2004… very few handreg for me, pretty much bought everything in the aftermarket.
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