Namebio sold (1 Viewing)

Nov 6, 2020
Nanaimo, BC
I disclosed a few sales to namebio via email and they were pretty thorough with the required paperwork. Then I reported one of my biggest sales. I submitted all the documents as always and got an email back that I now had to use the website. I started the process and ended up giving up. I figured they had all the information from my email and the sale would surely get listed.

Nope, my sale never got published. As the years passed I got comfortable with my sales not published and I have never reported to them again.

In fact over the years I have hidden my domains, I no longer publish them, nor do I report sales because I have a few unique niches (on top of my obvious ones) that I don't tell anyone about.

I also set my own pricing and do not use namebio as a measure. I set my pricing based on the end user and I find that a better way to price. My ideal target is, and always will be, an LLC company and of course I am going to ask a lot more than if a plain one location business is inquiring to purchase.

So for me namebio has become irrelevant and a tool I no longer use. I wish them all the best and hope the new owners seek out and report sales from numerous sources instead of just their internal uploading system. I believe there are lots of REAL reported sales that have not made it onto namebio because of this.
I find it a little ironic that a service that notes sales and pricing hasn’t disclosed it’s own sale price.
Perhaps that is coming down the road.
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jaydub said:
I find it a little ironic that a service that notes sales and pricing hasn’t disclosed it’s own sale price.
Perhaps that is coming down the road.

Reminds me of that Alanis Morissette song called “ironic”. :)
Interesting. Congrats to them.

I agree though - if Namebio was a pain in the ass to have to report with, then I can understand why people don't. If and when I do report, I go to DNJournal. But that's because I met Ron Jackson back at the birth of the industry so he's my go to.

My concern with any sale like this is that the new owners will ruin a good thing trying to monetize it... Time will tell.
Yes Rob I agree. I don’t use them myself but I think that is a concern with many from what I have read.
rlm said:
My concern with any sale like this is that the new owners will ruin a good thing trying to monetize it... Time will tell.
jaydub said:
I find it a little ironic that a service that notes sales and pricing hasn’t disclosed it’s own sale price.

I find that hilarious too. Let's see if something comes out.
I think the involvement of Kevin Ohashi in the new "Namebio" is very promising. I'm also very happy that Michael Sumner is still involved. I don't know anything about Anuj Bahl.
FM said:
I'm also very happy that Michael Sumner is still involved.

That's a good sign. While I don't really know Michael well, we both credit Nat Cohen as our domain Mentor. And since Nat has worked with him as long as he has, then I know Michael's a good guy.
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