New Direct Message Features (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Domain Business
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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We have been hard at work making your inbox look more like email and here are some of the features...

1. Unlimited Storage
2. New Inbox Header
3. Easier to find delete button
4. Return to Inbox from message
5. Compose new message button
6. Ability to search your direct messages
7. No ads in messages
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Just remember your biggest .CA assets are the current members, don't be afraid to engage them to sell or purchase domains.

My biggest purchases come from direct contact with members, I find them willing to negotiate behind the lines as the need arises. Whenever I'm looking to purchase a domain I find it a much easier process if the domain owner is a member here, there is a level of trust among domainers of this platform second to none.

We tend to weed out the scammers pretty fast and most of our seasoned members have stellar reputations. Don't be afraid to ask them for advice as the need arises.

PS. The direct message system is a powerful tool but also remember the rules.

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Unfortunately I need to remind some members that sending MULTIPLE unsolicited private messages to other members is frowned upon.

If you have a domain you think is suited to another member please feel free to contact THAT MEMBER, but if we get complaints about one member sending multiple unsolicited "hey I have this domain for sale" messages then we will be forced to remove that members ability to send private messages.

The offending member will still be able to receive private messages, and respond to them, but he will not be able to initiate any new messages until we receive assurance that he will not send multiple unsolicited messages again. If a member repeats the offence, after assuring us he will not do it again, then that members ability to initiate Private Messages will be removed permanently.

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