sells for 250K (2.Viewing)

The domain sale is certainly taking a long time to close

I will say it is notoriously difficult to close very large sales. They can always change their minds, like even if a CEO thinks its a great move, but then the board rejects it or something. Or market conditions change and they kill it for that. And even if they intend to honour a sale, it can be either lightning quick, or take months to actually get paid. That's why I'd never publish something until the money is in my back account! Never count your chicken's until they're hatched. Foolish to do otherwise, especially something of this magnitude. So the fact that it is taking long doesn't surprise me in the least. Doesn't mean it's not going to happen. But obviously it leaves the door open that it wont too.
I will say it is notoriously difficult to close very large sales. They can always change their minds, like even if a CEO thinks its a great move, but then the board rejects it or something. Or market conditions change and they kill it for that. And even if they intend to honour a sale, it can be either lightning quick, or take months to actually get paid. That's why I'd never publish something until the money is in my back account! Never count your chicken's until they're hatched. Foolish to do otherwise, especially something of this magnitude. So the fact that it is taking long doesn't surprise me in the least. Doesn't mean it's not going to happen. But obviously it leaves the door open that it wont too.
Thats why its always a good idea to hold off on the "sale" announcement until the money is in the bank
Regardless of what's going on here, if you had asked me before I would say I never consider a domain sold until I have the funds in my account. There is one side of me telling myself that the sale will fall through even if we've agreed on price and moved to the payment process. This just comes from early on in my domaining when I saw how common it was for offers and buyers to just vanish. Even after going back and forth in email negotiations with a buyer, and finally agreeing on a price, I've had them just disappear. Hope we see this one here complete, the big sales do take longer.
Regardless of what's going on here, if you had asked me before I would say I never consider a domain sold until I have the funds in my account. There is one side of me telling myself that the sale will fall through even if we've agreed on price and moved to the payment process. This just comes from early on in my domaining when I saw how common it was for offers and buyers to just vanish. Even after going back and forth in email negotiations with a buyer, and finally agreeing on a price, I've had them just disappear. Hope we see this one here complete, the big sales do take longer.
I think some of that came from front running, flippers trying to establish your price and then immediately selling it to someone else, but when their buyer didn't come through, they'd vanish too.

I think some also came from domainers looking for deals. They'd line up more than they had budget for, then only close on the ones that appeared to be the best deals.

All good reasons to not sell cheap or deal with anyone you know is a domainer!
I think some of that came from front running, flippers trying to establish your price and then immediately selling it to someone else, but when their buyer didn't come through, they'd vanish too.

I think some also came from domainers looking for deals. They'd line up more than they had budget for, then only close on the ones that appeared to be the best deals.

All good reasons to not sell cheap or deal with anyone you know is a domainer!
revealing your tricks here LOL
All good reasons to not sell cheap or deal with anyone you know is a domainer!

Or you can know who the end user is: MapleDots | Inquiry

When I get an inquiry for domains I expect over 5k for I always respond similar to this.

Thank you for your inquiry but all quotations are started via our contact form located at
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