I like the saw.com appraisal service because they seem to have a handle on the domaining industry.
I punched in a few of my domains and the above had the highest value in USD
Post a pic your highest .ca or .com
Appraisals - Saw
I was randomly checking domains while watching some TV last night. Found a couple that showed ">$100,000" for a .ca. They are nice domains, but not necessarily ones that I'd expect six-figs for - while the ones I would expect six-figs for where much less. As always, to be taken with a grain of salt.Too many domains to check them all manually. Spot checked some:
Top .com: Vernon = $1.192M
Top .ca: Bureau = $88K
Many in the $20K-$25K range.
Would be nice if these sites had a bulk feature.
I was randomly checking domains while watching some TV last night. Found a couple that showed ">$100,000" for a .ca. They are nice domains, but not necessarily ones that I'd expect six-figs for - while the ones I would expect six-figs for where much less. As always, to be taken with a grain of salt.
In any case, the interesting point I meant to make here was that apparently Saw tops out at $100,000 for .CA domains and just says "greater than" for above that. You can see what I mean by checking "whales".
Not so accurate on .ca's but very unusual to show a range like in the pure example.
PS. The two domains I listed will be held in my portfolio until an LLC company or similar wants them and will not be sold for less than 1.25 million each.
I figure they should sell at minimum 10% value to the .com