AUCTION (1 Viewing)

  • Topic Starter rlm
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Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
This is an experiment, on behalf of @aactive , or more accurately, his wife.

This isn't a make an offer situation. The domain will be sold to the highest bidder.


Auction will close on Wed Feb 21 at 15:00 EST / NOON PST. I've chosen this time because that day's TBR will have just ended the hour before.

Because bids are coming in by email or PM or post, any bids in the last 10 minutes will extend the auction by another 10 minutes.

Post your bid by replying to this message, or by private message (which is good for a proxy bid, or to bid anonymously). In the latter case, I'll post the new high bid price back to the thread with timestamps - minus the bidders name.

New bids need to be at least 10% over the bid price, rounded up to the next dollar (just to avoid nickle and diming).

If this works out, I'll continue to auction off more of his inventory.

PM me with any questions. Thank you.
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Pouches are a hot product in the past few years. Here are the newly incorporated businesses with "pouches" in their name:

2024-02-09 PureNic Pouches
2024-01-22 ZIPPY POUCHES
2024-01-03 SMILE POUCHES
2023-07-20 Canada Pouches Inc.
2022-12-12 PILL POUCHES
some independent valuations:

$ 1,817 USD - GoDaddy
$ 6,830 USD -
$ 749 USD -
$ 3,367 USD -
$ 10,000 USD -
AND FYI - I could have made her an offer and she'd have probably accepted whatever i offered, but to do right by her, I'm auctioning it here instead, just to get her the best value. I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of her situation in any way.
With all due respect - might get more with a reverse auction. I'll start at $25.
With all due respect - might get more with a reverse auction. I'll start at $25.

That is a good thought, thank you. I might have to try that the next time around, but since I've already started this, I'll leave it at that.

Another good thought is that I could put a buy-now price on it too. So, not that I have any expectation of getting it, I'll set a BIN of $10,000 USD (the Saw valuation), otherwise to be sold at the high bid at the auction close time.

And thanks for starting things off with a $25 bid!
I've got a bid of $75.

Crap - another thought is last second bidding. Because bids are coming in by email or PM or post, any bids in the last 10 minutes will extend the auction by another 10 minutes.
Hmm, love the idea but should bids not be public and posted by the bidder?
Hmm, love the idea but should bids not be public and posted by the bidder?

Well the bidder can reveal themselves here if they so choose to. Every TBR auction is anonymous, so I just assumed it would be no issue if someone wanted to keep their bid anonymous too, and if so, to PM or email me. I did post that in the rules up front too.
I don't have a problem with it, just curious to see how auctions are going to develop on dn.

That said, I will go $125
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FYI, final bid time on please! Help out @aactive 's widow - need to liquidate his portfolio for her.

61 minutes left.
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auction closed at $2500 CAD.
Thanks for participating. I guess it was a good lesson for me too, I never do outbound, but 30 minutes of research and filling out a handful of contact forms and a few emails worked. Not that I've never tried it before, it has just never worked so I haven't bothered in like a decade. I just felt like I should go the extra mile in this situation and quite surprisingly something came of it. Otherwise it would have sold to @MapleDots for $125.
auction closed at $2500 CAD.
Thanks for participating. I guess it was a good lesson for me too, I never do outbound, but 30 minutes of research and filling out a handful of contact forms and a few emails worked. Not that I've never tried it before, it has just never worked so I haven't bothered in like a decade. I just felt like I should go the extra mile in this situation and quite surprisingly something came of it. Otherwise it would have sold to @MapleDots for $125.

And in a case of no-good-deed-goes-unpunished, a phone call from the winning bidder distracted me on the veterans auction, and I missed putting in a bid to extend it again. It was down to myself and one other bidder, so congrats to the veterans buyer, it could've/should've cost you a lot more but congrats either way! Or maybe it was karma telling me you need another domain like a hole-in-the-head. :ROFLMAO:
Or maybe it was karma telling me you need another domain like a hole-in-the-head. :ROFLMAO:

I get that feeling regularly, usually after looking through my collection of otherwise-quality domains that just sit there like dead fish. Then I get a 4-figure offer on a piece of junk I bought at a sale. :unsure:

It makes absolutely no sense, but that's domain investing, the most random endeavor in the world.
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