Questions on MyID (1 Viewing)


Aug 15, 2022
I’ve only tried WHC for backorders and so far, the interface is easy to use. Knowing that MyID is equally as good as WHC in dropcatching, I gave it a shot but found it hard to navigate the site.

If you could kindly provide firsthand info on the following:

1. Advanced DNS Manager
- Is there a way to access and setup your TXT, CNAME and other records?

2. Domain Push
- Do they allow you to push the domain to another registered user?

3. Domain Forwarding
- Is this feature available?

4. Auth Code
- How easy is it to obtain?

5. Support
- Do they have a chat support or ticket system?

6. Payment
- I know they will only issue you an invoice via email and you can pay via e-transfer (special thanks to @DomainRecap for covering this) but if you have any tips to add, that would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your insights. 👍🏼
Answers to a few of your Qs, from my experience:

2. Domain Push
- Do they allow you to push the domain to another registered user?
*** YES, they support a push or pull, I forget which it is.

3. Domain Forwarding
- Is this feature available?
*** YES, but is a paid feature IIRC.

4. Auth Code
- How easy is it to obtain?
*** EASY-ish, you have to request it via email; they send within one biz day.

5. Support
- Do they have a chat support or ticket system?
*** NO, at least not that I can recall.

6. Payment
- I know they will only issue you an invoice via email and you can pay via e-transfer (special thanks to @DomainRecap for covering this) but if you have any tips to add, that would be much appreciated.
*** Is a very small company, with confusing UI, but I have never had any issues using MyID; I've always eventually been able to get done what I needed to get done and the support team (possibly consisting of only one person!) has been helpful. I would never recommend them to a member of the general public, way too confusing to use, but a domainer should be able to figure their platform out over time.

Your mileage may vary, yadda yadda
Never had issue with them. For payment, they had Paypal before and took it down after they had a dispute. It hasn't been restored. Only e-transfer for now.

Their renewals are expensive so move the domain after the 60 day passes or before the domain's expiry date.

You can request authorization code directly from CIRA website:
Domain Transfer Authcode
Thanks for the valuable insight Bill!

For a small company, I’m actually surprised they do so well in the dropcatching area. The UI might not be the best, but if there’s a push option to another user, I’m happy to try them out.
Remember if you request transfer code from Cira, you still might have to request MyID or any registrar to unlock the domain

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