.CA Realty.ca - Sold $500,000 USD (1 Viewing)


Nov 16, 2020
I was just in a clubhouse room where Lance from realty.com said they purchased Realty.ca for over $500K recently.

I think that was a good deal for Realty.com.
well that's interesting. would like to see those details published somewhere!
It was listed for sale under Oxley.com .... interesting... Brent isn't Canadian is he?? HostGator did open a Canadian office in 2006 though.
rlm said:
It was listed for sale under Oxley.com .... interesting... Brent isn't Canadian is he?? HostGator did open a Canadian office in 2006 though.

Must be him, according to archive.org.

He also owned Realty.com, which only further convinces me that he must be the one to have sold it.
What a waste, it goes to the US site.

It should be going to a Canadian site to give realtor.ca some competition.
MapleDots said:
What a waste, it goes to the US site.

It should be going to a Canadian site to give realtor.ca some competition.

Speaking of Realtor.ca, I just saw this while looking into things:

MapleDots said:
What a waste, it goes to the US site.

It should be going to a Canadian site to give realtor.ca some competition.

He said he would be launching the Canadian site soon.
Esdiel said:
Speaking of Realtor.ca, I just saw this while looking into things:

HeHe.... maybe we can pick up mls.ca on the cheap ;D
Let’s hope this is not another big sale that goes unpublished.
Does anyone know if that was US or CAD $$? 500k US is about 625k CAD now.

Someone tell Ron at DNJournal - lol. Would like to see that sale reported as the headline next week.

.CA Sells for $500,000!!
domains said:
.CA Sells for $500,000!!

That would indeed look great for the .ca extension. Even $500K CDN would be quite a headline.
I am aware that the owner of realty.com purchased the corresponding dot ca and that they are launching a business in canada focused on selling leads and funneling to realtors in geo specific locations on a franchise like basis

If you are a realtor in toronto you can secure the area and use the leads they capture

What i find interesting in the whole model is that the guy on clubhouse who is repping realty com/ca is hanging out in a room where all kinds of absolutely horrible domain names are being auctioned for 25-50-75-100 and he is buying many of them! I am not sure what to make of a guy who parks his pinto next to his lambo but if I figure it out I will let you know
DomainTrader said:
I am not sure what to make of a guy who parks his pinto next to his lambo but if I figure it out I will let you know

o_O :[ But we all have done it.. At least I am guilty of it big time!!!
Found this gem in the TBR list this week and should alert Lance to go for it, before others do. LOL


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