Depends on where you got the info. If it was in the public domain then reposting is ok, anything on the internet is accessible. If it was conveyed to you verbally then I would say don't post it until the owner mentions it somewhere.
Depends on where you got the info. If it was in the public domain then reposting is ok, anything on the internet is accessible. If it was conveyed to you verbally then I would say don't post it until the owner mentions it somewhere.
I just know what domains he had listed for sale, so it was pretty simple deduction to see which domain was recently transferred, which happened to be an
Have you moved to Kelowna?? You're slowly moving my direction. Once you get sick of the Kelowna chaos, maybe Vernon will be your next stop? Then we can do an occasional business lunch.
Have you moved to Kelowna?? You're slowly moving my direction. Once you get sick of the Kelowna chaos, maybe Vernon will be your next stop? Then we can do an occasional business lunch.